Written by:
Prince Light-Cheerful Briggs,
The EnlightenedOne.
The earlier the people of Niger Delta realize that the republic of Niger Delta which they clamor for is impossible at the moment and even ten years from now and join forces and resources with the Indigenous People of Biafra of the Igbo extraction the better for them. They should consider how many years of tears, sorrows and blood it took the Republic of Biafra restoration struggle to come this far and the cost they have paid for it to be globally discussed and supported in order to gain international recognition. I like to repeat my factual statement in my previous publication that so many indigenous people like the Kurds, the scots, the Catalans, the Basques, the Palestinians etc. are all on this struggle for independence for so many years with tears and blood and has not been able to secure their independence. This is because the establishment of a new nation is not as easy as Chinua Achibe of a blessed memory publishes new books. Niger Delta people should realize this hard truth now and take a stand in the restoration of our Great Biafra. For, there are no short cuts or rosey paths to independency. Tears, sorrows, blood, and decades of delay characterizes the rising or establishment of a new nation with uncertainty. Therefore, I implore my people—the people of the Niger Delta region to join forces with the IPOB members world wide for the quick and imminent restoration of our Great Biafra; thus, we have much to gain from the restoration of Biafra.
Nnamdi Kanu has promised absolute transparency and truth to every ethnicity in Biafraland. Therefore, may we no longer be heirs to the generations of hate and unforgiveness. Thus, we must relegate our fears and doubts to the pages of history. Let us not disrespect the incredible sacrifices made by so many who gave their lives to restore Biafra. Great Biafrans of the Igbo extraction, I pray you all, not to be afraid or worried of the rejection and hatred of our fellow Biafrans from the so-called south-south in order not to be forced to repel or denounce them as brothers. Let us continue in our sense of community, ideal of brotherhood, and stand together to destroy the forces of disunity trying to disrupt our call for unity and brotherhood. Let us not abandon each other in our moments of fears and doubts in our struggle to restore our true identity. The actions and reactions of our brothers from the Niger Delta may seem to appear to divide us, but I pray, never come such division between our souls; but let forgiveness, acceptance and love come reign within our bosom. For I have seen one thing that could bind us forever, and that is love. Love for Biafra, love of hope against fear, love of dreams, love of life, love of "liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
I am a son of this great nation called Biafra, and never before have I been more proud and more optimistic about Biafra. Therefore, let us not be overcome by the evils of hatred, unforgiveness and disunity as our oppressors from the desert north desires that may they continue to rule us and keep us under perpetual slavery. For the restoration of Biafra and the calling for the unity of all member states of the old Eastern region is a bold and righteous idea. I see apostle Paul admonish us: "Let us not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." This means we should bury all hatchets of the civil war and every concocted tales by the dubious British and the Hausa-Fulani oligarchy to disunite the people of old Eastern region. Let us tell them that we are one and indivisible.
Indeed, Biafra welcome the friendship of everyone, and extend open arms to every one who wants to make life freer and better. For all those who has destroyed the brotherhood of all Biafrans and who are still working hard to sow the seed of dissension among our brotherhood, your days are numbered, and your end time has come because Biafra is a guiding light that can never be extinguished. We are working assiduously to restore Biafra and its restoration is imminent. And it is a great privilege of a life time to work for the restoration of our Great country Biafra; and I feel fulfilled and honored to be a part of this great and righteous course where God is the lead. All hail Biafra—the light that can never be extinguished.
Finally, fellow Biafrans and the good people of Niger Delta let us think less of self, for self itself is self-centered, but let us selflessly strive towards the freedom and unity of Biafra for all of us and for our children and children's children. And while we are yet alive we will be proud to say anywhere in the world that we are Biafrans. For I, even I, have pledged to be a servant to my fellow country men and women to see the unification of all Biafrans and the freedom of Biafra. And may love and unity of purpose guide us as we travel the road to freedom and restore Biafra on her national homeland; and may we have the inseparable relationship of drama, music and dance.
Let us summon a new spirit of patriotism and renew the fabric of hard work and responsibility that was torn by dependence on Nigeria to rebuild the fallen walls of our nation and the restoration of Biafra unto her national homeland. We shall overcome the threat to our unity whether Igbo, Ijaw, Itsekiri, Idoma, Igala, Tiv, Ikwerre, Ibibio, Efik, Kalabari, Okirika, Ogoni, Ogoja, etc. that out of many, we are one. "Let us meet at the crossroads, a point of decision to find unity and power; or suffer division and impotence. We must learn to live together as brothers or perish as fools. Now is time to rise from the dark and slippery valley of segregation, oppression, suppression, marginalization, killing and extermination to the sunlit path of Biafra national freedom and unity. Now is the time to lift our nation Biafra from the quicksands of political segregation that has held our minds captive and oppression to the solid rock of brotherhood bound in freedom and unity. Let liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable be our watchword.
Written by:
Prince Light-Cheerful Briggs,
The EnlightenedOne.