We simply changed the equation to utilize middle rather than normal [price] in light of the fact that clearly with normal, a portion of these postings are excessively extraordinary and they were making the normal move to the more costly side," Luu said. "However, presently with middle, I imagine that everything is entirely hardened." In the long run, Luu wants to stretch out this framework to utilize Nook Miles Tickets, particularly as ringers keep on diminishing in esteem.

Luu has large designs for the eventual fate of Nookazon. One of the most-mentioned highlights is a cell phone application, which he says "may come later on." Luu is additionally open to extending Nookazon's exchange capacities to other well known computer games "a year or progressively" down the line, he said during a meet and welcome with the network facilitated on Zoom. Until further notice, Luu and his little group are concentrating their endeavors on idealizing the interior exchanging experience.
