To help bring your Facebook friends over to Nkoli, we suggest you post to Nkoli first, then share it to Facebook using the Share icon below the post. It looks really great especially when you have a picture update attached.

1) Write a post on Nkoli. It is better to add a nice picture to the post.

2) Click on the fourth icon below your intended post. The first icon in that line is "Liked"

3) Click on the Facebook icon that appears below. REFRESH the Page*.

4) Select "Share in a private message" or "share on a friend's Timeline", then add all the names of the friends that you want to invite to Nkoli. They will receive the message and follow the link back to Nkoli.

5) In case you are considering earning a little money from your invitations, you can use this link ?ref=YourUsername to invite friends. It is your affiliate link and you can see how much you have earned at

N:B: Replace "YourUsername" with your username.
