The ancestry of Abraham is traced from Shem to Terah through Eber (Ebo), the eponymous father
of the Hebrews (Gen.10: 21-24). The name given to him at birth was Abram (Abiam), but this name
was eventually changed to “Abraham” (Abiamà) during which, God introduced Himself to Abraham
as “God Almighty” (Chukwu) Gen. 17:1-2. Even though we know Ur of Chaldim as Abraham’s
birthplace, the person of Abraham remains enigmatic. No one seems to know much about the origin of
his ancestors beyond Mesopotamia. What rabbis, pastors, imams, and religious scholars know about
Abraham or his origin begins with Ur of Chaldim and ends in Hebron in the land of Canaan, where he
was buried. The present-day notion that Abraham may be traced to Igboland (Aladinma or Alaoma)
of Biafra in sub-Saharan Africa; a location completely outside of Mesopotamia, may be viewed by
some as a divine revelation. But those who still perceive sub-Saharan Africa as uncivilized may have
a different opinion.