Igbo people and Igbo language are autochthonous to Igboland. So, this ancient language known
as Igbo/Hebrew is not extinct, but has been spoken in Igboland from the beginning of human existence
on earth to this day. It is therefore natural that Igbo language, the mother of all languages, can still be
traced to sub-Saharan Africa, where man drew his first breath on earth. Evidence of original Hebrew
culture and language, including the planting of the lineage “tree of life” (CHIOHA), as Seth (Ezeana)
did, and seen in the Bible, Kabala, Nag Hammadi tractates, and other Hebrew sacred texts are
evidence that can be verified in Igboland today. It is my humble opinion that the world would love to
have this priceless information, especially the Jews, Christians, and Moslems who profess the same
faith in one God as Abraham, the Hebrew.
Eugene C. Akannam
Saint Louis, Missouri