Now, some people may ask: How did this author know all this? Honestly, I did not know this
while I was in Biafra Land and if Odu (lion), my Levite priestly ancestor, did not migrate from the
kingdom of Idah (Judah) in Igala (Igal), Kogi State of Biafra to Anambra State of Biafra where the
original Hebrew language is spoken, I would not have known this. It is through relentless research
that I uncovered that only the Igbo[Biafra] people of Biafra speak the original Hebrew language. I also found
out that Igbo language is the language of God Himself, the language He spoke during creation.
According to the Jewish scholars, the first word that the “Unspeakable Power” uttered while getting
ready for creation is “Tzimtzum” (Tsimzom or Chimzom – “hide me, my Spirit”). Not only that, the
names of God, the names of angels, as well as the names of the pre- Babel patriarchs are all Igbo
names, and they have their original meanings only in Igbo language. For example, Ham (Ama) means
“the place of a people,” Shem (Chima) means “God Knows,” and Japheth (Jefeta) means, “come over
or come across.”