04:220 - 1 Comments

Friday August 19, 2016

The Movement for the Emancipation of the Nigeria Delta (MEND) is said to be one of the largest militant groups in the Niger Delta region. MEND from its inception claims to expose exploitation and oppression of the people of the Niger Delta and devastation of the natural environment by public-private partnerships between the Federal Government of Nigeria and corporations involved in the production of oil in the Niger Delta.

The organization has been heavily touted as one that "portrays itself as a political organisation that wants a greater share of Nigeria’s oil revenues to go to the impoverished region that sits atop the oil." Research and careful investigations show that MEND is more of an umbrella organisation for several armed groups, which it sometimes pays in cash or guns to launch attacks on oil installations in a guerilla warfare style.

MEND's stated goals are to localize control of Nigeria's oil and to secure reparations from the federal government for pollution caused by the oil industry. In an interview granted to BBC by one of the group's leaders, (alias Major-General Godswill Tamuno), it was reported that MEND was fighting for total control of the Niger Delta's oil wealth, saying that local people had not gained from the riches under the ground, and the region's creeks and swamps.

MEND stood its ground based on this claims and actually terrorised Nigeria government from 2006 - 2013 when the mighty fell under the deceitful tactics of evil Nigeria rulers, and accepted the phoney amnesty deal that got them to where they are today. Having made themselves clear through their guerrilla warfare in which they unleashed unimaginable blow to Nigeria, one would like to ask "has MEND suddenly gone mad"?

Why is MEND now taking sides with the same government it has been fighting for the injustices against the Niger Delta region? Why has MEND turned itself to Aso Rock errand boys, going against Nnamdi Kanu?

It is not puzzling that MEND has become Nigeria's DSS robot, asking Nnamdi Kanu to renounce Biafra. Obviously, they have lost focus and deviated completely from the original cause that gave birth to the organization. They have now become puppet boys of Aso Rock at the detriment of their own people who have been living in abject poverty and squalor. What a shame!

MEND have stooped too low to lick the ass of the same people it held spellbound for years, unleashing litany of terror on them. Nigeria has turned back to capture them through deceit, what a dullard they are! We are not surprised because we've been following every inch of MEND's activities and have observed clearly that its main purpose has been to exploit Nigeria through the claims of "fighting for the cause of Niger Delta."

They became so desperate about money even at the time Nigeria government turned deaf ears at them, and dastardly engaged in oil thefts, kidnapping, and even bank robbery. This later involvements clearly qualified them as armed criminal gangs other than true freedom fighters!

Another undisputable fact about MEND's insatiable grab for wealth was the speed with which it welcomed Musa Yar'Adua's hugwash amnesty deal. This of course portrayed them as "poor hungry boys" seeking for succour from federal government of Nigeria. They quickly accepted the badly packaged amnesty and abandoned the cause of their own people. Isn't that absolute madness?

Not quite long after Buhari came to power, their hunger came back doubled as most of them sent to overseas on asylum were no longer cared for and they had no other means of making their cheap money because they surrendered their weapons to the government that impoverished their parents, siblings, and relatives.

MEND has eaten with the devil on the covenant table, became infected with the deadly virus, and now speaking and behaving like the same government it fought against. Is that not madness?

Does MEND think that Nnamdi Kanu can easily give up Biafra just cause like it did? Do they think Nnamdi Kanu is an egocentric person in dire need of sixty thousand naira amnesty or a building in Asokoro? While MEND cannot deny of accepting this offers, it's on record that Nnamdi Kanu outrightly rejected them and told Nigerian Government to go to hell with it. Does MEND posses such impeccable quality?

Surely, the current position of MEND, and its incoherent speeches against Nnamdi Kanu and the entire people of Biafra speak volume and proves beyond every reasonable doubt that it has become a failure, and has lost focus.

MEND (in Nnamdi Kanu's own words) should indeed mend its ways and act right instead of behaving madly unless it has gone raving mad, because no matter what they say or do, the tactics employed or repulsive theatrics exhibited, Nnamdi Kanu will always remain whiter than white and snow.

#FreeNnamdKanu. #BiafrExit!

By Ezza Heritage
Edited By Uche Nwosu
Published By Nwosu C.S
For Biafra Writers