ABC Poll: 93% Say Hillary Clinton Should Be Criminally Prosecuted

Joker 16 hours ago News, Politics, USA, World 2,603 Views
Today marked a sad day in Washington as crime boss Hillary Clinton has gotten a way with murder again.
Unfortunately, no charges will be brought against Clinton for her passing of classified materials via her unsecured server, although 93% of Americans think Clinton should be prosecuted according to this ABC report:
Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has been under scrutiny for almost a year after it came to light that she used a private email server for her government and personal emails, rather than the State Department’s email system while serving as Secretary of State to President Obama. She recently met with the FBI about an investigation being conducted to decide whether or not to criminally prosecute her for her actions.
Clinton has said relying on a private server was a mistake but that other secretaries of state had also used a personal email address previously.