Biafrans, the battle line has been drawn! Shall we fold our hands and watch the enemy dance on our heads? We are born scientists...our fathers wowed the world in 1960s with their creativity and ingenuity. Are we no longer the offsprings of great Biafran scientists of Biafra/Nigeria civil war? Are we no longer the siblings of Philip Emegwale of this world? You may be wondering where am heading to, and here is it: It is no longer news that Nigerian government has declared cyber war against us, but what is still current is what do we do about it? That is the question on the lips of millions of Biafrans both at home and in the diaspora. I do not want believe we are helpless, yes, we are not handicapped because the ball is on our court. There is only one panacea to the latest and newest form of intimidation initiated by Nigerian government which is to attack back! They used to say in football that the best way to defend is to attack. It is time to bring out the ingenuity and creativity in us. In Biafra land we don't lack talents, we are not in deffiency of scientists. I urge all our cyber soldiers (hackers) to get up and be counted...let us get rid of the zoo from cyber planet before they do that to us. Today is facebook, tomorrow might be twitter and so on. Our cyber soldiers should organize themselves and swing into action with immediate effect. If you can stand on your own as an individual, good and fine...all we need is get the job done. God bless Biafra!
