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USA POLITICS TODAY| Hillary is elitist puppet!

She is going to do exactly what her sponsors are going to order from her.

She is not going to work for American people, but for dozen of billionaires who never want America to be great again!

According to The Truth Division:

Many Americans know that Hillary Clinton and George Soros are on the same wavelength. Many know that they’ve been spotted together, infrequently, at different events and functions.

But now, according to a new email by Wikileaks, it wasn’t really that infrequent — and it was much more personal.

In an email from Clinton’s right-hand aide Huma Abedin to campaign manager Robby Mook and campaign CEO John Podesta, Hillary was going to wine and dine with globalist George Soros.

Then, immediately after, Huma mentions Soros’ interest in getting Hillary onboard with a new political group called America Votes — and he wanted the Democratic nominee to fundraise for them.

Take a look:


If it wasn’t official before, it is now — Hillary is a puppet for the likes of George Soros and cronies. She doesn’t care about power, control, nor the populace she governs — she just cares about the money. And Soros knows that he can get whatever he wants through Hillary.

We are not going to elect this political prostitute in the White House!

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