Akpors went to His Pastor One (1) Hot Monday Night .

Akpors: Pastor, the Enemies are after Me!

Pastor : My Son, what is it?

Akpors : My Business is Running Down.

Pastor : Ah!

That's a Small One (1)!

Kneel Down and let Me Pray for You.

Aahhhhh, Your Business will Surely Rise Again!

Our Church Members will Buy from You, My Family will Buy from You!

Aahhhhh, the Neighbors will Buy from You.

Aahhhhh, Say Amen.

Akpors : Amennnnnnn ooooooh Pastor!

Thank You Very Much Pastor.

Pastor : You're Welcome My Son.

By the Way, What Do You Sell?

So that I Can Announce it on Sundays and Weekdays Services.

Akpors : Oh Sir!

I Make and Sell Coffins.

Pastor: Fireeeeee!!!

Nobody will Buy from You!!!

My Family will Never See Your Shop!!!

Our Members will Never Buy from You!!!

I Decree and Declare, Your Business will Run Dry in Jesus Christ Might, Potent and Most Powerfully Name.......

Amen! Amen!! and Amen!!!

Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha.

Don't Laugh Alone.