NBC Busted with Hillary Victory Results 6 Days Before Election
By Proud Conservative
Posted on November 3, 2016

We have been saying for months that this election is going to be rigged and Donald Trump has been telling America the exact same thing. What you are about to see below proves, once again, the fix is in for Hillary.

NBC has been caught posting election results showing a Hillary victory 6 days before the election. The entire thing is broken down on video below.

Kit Daniels reports, “Political activists discovered a hidden web site for WRCB out of Chattanooga, Tenn. showing election results with Hillary Clinton securing 343 electoral votes and 42% of the popular vote.”

“The web site originated from the FTP server of WorldNow, a media software company that provides real-time data – such as election results – and other media assets to local news stations.” It’s important to note that WorldNow does NOT have employees that did this. World Now is a software as a service, so an NBC insider did this