Report: Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Has Converted To Islam
Posted about 2 years ago
Mark Zuckerberg / Raani Assad with Indian PM

Assad (then still known as Mark Zuckerberg) with Indian PM Modi in October 2014. (image source: By Narendra Modi [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)
<National Report>The Atheist community was dealt a swift blow this week when Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, reportedly announced that he has converted to Islam. Zuckerberg, now known as Haani Assad, had previously been an outspoken Atheist despite growing up in a Jewish family. Assad (née Zuckerberg) hasn’t spoken much about this new direction his life has taken beyond the following brief statement issued to Facebook employees earlier this week:

“I, Mark Zuckerberg, have chosen to follow Allah’s teachings and thus have changed my name to Haani Assad. While Facebook is still dedicated to providing a work environment that is sympathetic to employees of all faiths, we will now have mandatory breaks at noon for Dhuhr and at 4:30pm for ‘Asr. I ask that those of you who are not followers of Allah to respect those of us who are during those times. Praise Allah!”

It is unknown what affect Assad’s conversion will have on the popular social networking company’s future. Some social media insiders are worried that Facebook will begin to clamp down further on the content that users are allowed to post. “I think we’ll start to see more censorship of ‘questionable’ content,” said Dave Ayers of the blog Social Times. “I think Zuckerberg has embraced the Muslim faith enough that his new belief system will trickle down into the daily operations of the company. I suspect this could be the thing that finally knocks Facebook down from its spot as the top social networking site.”

Dylan Davey, a representative of British nationalist group Britain First, has already proposed a mass exodus from Facebook in response to Assad’s announcement. “I strongly urge all true Christians to delete their Facebook account in protest of this traitor consorting with the enemy,” Davey said to his followers on Wednesday morning. It is unknown how many Britain First members have deactivated their Facebook accounts because of Davey’s plea.

Many insiders believe that a recent visit to India in October for Assad, which reportedly spiraled into previously unscheduled stops in Pakistan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia contributed to this dramatic shift in belief systems. It is alleged that Assad became enamored by the Muslim culture and way of life that he previously had never been exposed to growing up in a sheltered Jewish family. Despite the outrage by Britain First and other groups, many users don’t feel that Assad’s newfound faith will impact the social networking giant.

“He (Assad) is pretty far removed from the day-to-day operation of Facebook these days,” said Evelyn Radford, a search engine optimization expert from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. “Facebook is a publicly traded company with way too much on the line to allow the changing beliefs of its CEO point the company on a different path. If anything, I expect to see him step down or pass the torch to someone else while he further explores this new journey.”

An earlier report in 2012 falsely claimed Mark Zuckerberg converted and took the name “Mark Abu-bakar”. That report was proven to be a hoax and the site that made the claims about the Facebook sender is no longer available online.