FBI Has Just Confirmed, Donald Trump Will No Longer Be Blamed

Posted by Matthew Bernstein | Nov 1, 2016 | American Strength

Trump Will No Longer Be Blamed By Democrats!

If you make the unfortunate mistake of listening to what the Democrats like Hillary Clinton and President Obama have to say about email hacks, they will tell you that it was a Russian plot. Yes they are willing to blame another country for exposing their treachery.

But it doesn’t stop at just blaming another country for the hacks on their emails. No the Democrats take it one step further and actually attempt to blame the Republican presidential nominee for the hacks.

Yes they actually tried to blame Donald Trump for some of the hacks. And they took it one step further and said that he had some connections in Russia that were hacking the emails to make sure that he had an edge in the election.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has just determined that Trump has absolutely zero ties to the Russian government. So despite their best claims, the Democrats were proven wrong yet again. This claim had been going on since the summer.

Trump Has Just Been Cleared Of All Claims!

Federal officials had conducted a thorough investigation all throughout the summer. They were attempting to look for financial connections between Trump and his operatives and the Russian government. They thought that those two combinations would have led to the answer of who hacked the Democratic Party’s computers.

The conclusion of the investigation saw the FBI deciding that the hacking might have disrupted the election, but it wasn’t meant to ensure a victory for Trump. Despite the Democrats best attempts to frame it as Trump’s fault, the FBI says otherwise.

It’s the second significant decision to come out of the FBI this week. The first was of course their decision to reopen the Clinton email scandal that has plagued her throughout the election season. Maybe Clinton should spend more time on herself rather than attempt to blame someone else for her mistakes.

As part of these revelations, it was also reported earlier this year that the FBI was investigating a possible connection that was between Trump and Alfa Bank. It’s the largest private commercial bank in Russia. Originally the Bureau was made aware of a series of electronic connections between a server owned by Trump and two servers that were registered to Alfa Bank.

At first the links were thought to be “questionable,” but after the long investigation the FBI determined, “there could be an innocuous explanation, like a marketing email or spam, for the computer contacts.” That was in line with what the Trump campaign had been saying all along.
Trump Has Taken Hillary to Task for Her Treason

There Were No Links Between Russia And Trump

Trump campaign press secretary Hope Hicks said, “First of all, it’s not a secret server. The email server, set up for marketing purposes and operated by a third-party, has not been used since 2010.” She also added that the traffic on the server isn’t used for the sort of email communications that could have implied any sort of collusion between the two.

Alfa Bank also released a statement denying any sort of ties to Trump or the Trump campaign.

““Neither Alfa Bank nor its principals, including Mikhail Fridman and Petr Aven, have or have had any contact with Mr. Trump or his organizations,” the statement read. “Fridman and Aven have never met Mr. Trump nor have they or Alfa Bank had any business dealings with him. Neither Alfa nor its officers have sent Mr. Trump or his organizations any emails, information or money. Alfa Bank does not have and has never had any special or exclusive internet connection with Mr. Trump or his entities.”

The FBI has now confirmed both of these statements. So the Democrats one defense has been completely torn apart. Their servers are still getting hacked and this time they cannot blame Trump for it. But the Democrats are most likely going to be stubborn and continue to blame Trump for anything that happens.
Democrats Forced To Make The Ultimate Decision

The Democrats One Form Of Defense Has Just Been Destroyed

It’s very ironic that the Democrats were so concerned with people that were hacking the emails over the fact that they were doing illegal activities. Seriously the first time that they were hacked it exposed the fact that they were rigging elections in favor of Clinton over Bernie Sanders!

Yes they were actually rigging elections but they are more concerned with the fact that someone was exposing their illegal activities over the fact that they were doing something illegal. It’s what people should expect from a party that is only concerned with keeping power rather than helping out the people of the United States.

Of course the Democrats just want to make sure that they stay in power. Although there are some Democrats that are actively leaving Clinton’s side after all the leaks that have come out. Conservative Daily Post has covered that event. The fact that some of these leaks are actively making people leave the side of Clinton is noteworthy considering that any and every vote is going to help.

Democrats are also doing whatever they can to make sure that they win this election. They are actively doing what they can to make sure that all the media that are given out during the elections are only pro-Democrat stories. They actively tried to censor Fox News using the Federal Election Commission. If that were to happen then there would be absolutely no pro-Republican news in the media. That would turn the United States into a dictatorship before you knew it.

Share this article to show everyone that the claim that Trump was behind the Russian hacks on the Democrats is completely false. The FBI has cleared everything and now the Democrats single defense against their hacked emails has been destroyed. From now on, if they even think of using Trump as a scapegoat, you know they are lying.

This is the type of corruption that will end if Donald Trump is able to get into the Oval Office. Otherwise we will see more and more corruption going on in the White House. So the only way to stop it is to make sure that Trump wins. So go out and vote.