Trump Was Right! What Hillary Says Will Put Her And Obama In Prison…
By Paris Swade -
August 12, 2016

This story by Paris Swade.

Donald Trump has been getting hammered by the liberal media. He is getting hammered for saying the truth about how Obama started ISIS.

*** That’s cause Liberals are allergic to the truth.

Here is video evidence that Hillary Clinton helped start ISIS. Look what she says here.

Hillary Clinton and Obama founded ISIS by bankrolling them and arming the Jihadists in Syria and Libya.

Clinton literally admits that in 2009 that the U.S. government – staffed by her and her friends created al-Qaeda.

*** They then morphed into ISIS.

Let me repeat that. Hillary and Obama bankrolled, armed and supported jihadists in Syria and Libya to destabilize the Middle East. They did it and it made ISIS.


Let’s all celebrate Mother’s day by SHARING this post right now.
Hillary Clinton is the mother of ISIS.

Let’s celebrate this Hillary’s horrible holiday by sharing this with 5 friends. We need to get this out there. If Hillary becomes President, we will be overrun. (h/t Proud Cons)

God bless America. We will stand together.