BREAKING : Corrupt Comey Lets Hillary Off the Hook on EMAILS While Clinton Foundation Criminal Probe Continues
Breaking News By Amy Moreno November 6, 2016

Las Friday the FBI announced they were reopening the email investigation into Hillary’s mishandling of classified information after they found 650K new emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer.

650 thousand.

Imagine how long it would take to go through THAT MANY emails…..Months, no doubt.


Well, you’d think.

However, James Comey announced today that he’d completed the investigation and no charges against Hillary.

Can you say rigged system?

Meanwhile, the most damning FBI criminal investigation into the Clinton Foundation “Pay to Play” rolls on.

The foundation investigation is the case where FBI sources claim there’s an AVALANCHE of evidence and a Clinton indictment is likely.

What this shows us, is that Hillary Clinton is a powerful political figure, held to a different standard than the rest of us, and who is the face of the “CORRUPTION” we are fighting.

Get out and vote and ensure a Trump victory!

This is a movement – we are the political OUTSIDERS fighting against the FAILED GLOBAL ESTABLISHMENT!

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Amy Moreno is a Published Author, Pug Lover & Game of Thrones Nerd. You can follow her on Twitter here and Facebook here.

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