Election Officials Caught Throwing Out Trump Votes All Across The Country
By Proud Conservative
Posted on November 4, 2016

An email was sent to the Gateway Pundit that exposes a scheme to not count Trump votes and most people have no idea it’s even happening.

From Gateway Pundit:

This was emailed from a Trump supporter: “I am a single, Republican mother of two younger kids in small town Illinois. Within my friends, I keep seeing and hearing of all these examples of voter fraud going on right now with Trump supporters.”

“Three well-respected people within the same household in my town who mailed in their ballots in favor of Trump went online to make sure their votes were counted – only to find they were not going to be counted because the signatures on the ballot didn’t match those on their letter. They would have never seen this if they hadn’t gone online to verify!”

“How many others who have no thought to follow up on their vote are having the same thing happen to them?”