BIAFRA:The Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPO, has shown resoluteness and formidability towards their quest for freedom. Their outputs have put the whole world in confusion, which has pondered every living thing on earth. Below are the fundamental reasons we mustn't relent nor look backwards towards our struggle for the restoration of Biafra.

∆ WE HAVE PAID THE PRICE FOR FREEDOM: From the inception of this forceful union between the southern and northern provinces in the Western part of Africa, the Biafrans has been victims of gory exterminations and genocides at all times. The killing of Biafrans that took place in most parts of the north, which includes Jos, Kano Kaduna, etc. , was ignorantly swept under the carpet while we are being killed the more.

After the incident, a civil war emerged, which Biafrans were made to fight in defence having no weapon, but rather, was bent on saving and defending their fatherland. This genocidal war claimed the lives of six million lives of innocent women, men and children, as Biafrans were meant to face a blockade of both air, land and sea as mastermind by Awolowo from the Oduaa tribe of Nigeria.

After the civil war, the geneticists were never questioned nor taken to any court, but they were rather, celebrated all over the world. Instead of settling us, they are still killing us till date. We asked for nothing, much than freedom, but were given death and agony in return. In other countries of the world, the referendum was granted with immediate effect, but here in the contraption, operation mass extermination was activated, whereby our people keep missing on a daily basis. We resulted in the peaceful protest which was one of the most peaceful means of agitation, all we could get was death, as the Nigerian soldiers became determined to kill us by all means.

We stay an indoor protest, the Nigerian soldiers hunts us, only to take us away from the reach of our families, and eventually kill us. The Nigerian security agencies while operating on this end, the Hausa-Fulani cattle rearers are also busy operating on the other end. We run away from our houses either because of Fulani herds, or Nigerian soldier. We are being kidnapped and taken to unknown destinations, our kids under age 12, are being abducted to convert them to Muslims forcefully. In one way or the other, we have paid the price of freedom. The leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has been illegally detained for more than one year, tortured and treated ill humanly only for the price of freedom.

We were denied access to those killed by the same people; we were shot while we attend the burial of our fallen heroes. We were beaten for having Biafran identity. We are punished for answering Biafrans. The blood of our fallen heroes can no longer contend. Their tears have flown like the Ocean. We have denied ourselves the earthly pleasures in one way or the other, still ready to do more. What other price do we need to pay?

∆ NIGERIA HAS DUAL IDEOLOGIES: The evidence of proof that Nigeria was man made, remains the fact that Nigeria practices dual beliefs. In Nigeria, two religious beliefs are being practised which includes Christianity and Muslim. These are two different divergences and are not in real terms. The Christian forum is being occupied mostly by the Biafran region, while others occupy the Muslims. In the Nigerian constitution, which is expected to be obeyed and practised by both religious groups, there were some kinds of anonymity which show that the Muslim caliphate is more peculiar than Christians.

In the 1999 Constitution, Shariah was mentioned 73 times, Grand Khadi 54 times, Islam 28 times, Muslims 10 times and there is no single mention of Christ, Christian, Christianity or church. Some mischievous elements are taking these lapses in the Constitution to come to the ungodly decision that probably that the state is an Islamic state. Since Islamic courts had been created, what has been hindering the federal government of Nigeria from creating a Christian tribunal? If I would suggest, it's for the quick creation of an Ecclesiastical Courts to handle Christian-related disputes, like Sharia courts, while findings should also be provided for the Christian courts, just like Sharia courts in the essence of allowing the Christians to possess a sense of belonging in their country.

What about the killings and burning down of churches by the Muslims? How many of them have been executed? As I am writing this article, the suspects of the death of Mrs Bridget Agbahime the wife of an Igbo pastor has all been declared free. What is going through the minds of those campaigning for one Nigeria? What has become their fate? Well, it will interest you to know that the bill for sharia law implementation in Nigeria has been passed for the second time in the house.

Some Nigerians especially those that mistakenly have a link to Biafra has ignorantly forgotten that 98% politicians in Nigeria are Muslim converts, who will be favoured when the desire of President Buhari finally surfaces. They are looming in ignorance, whereby the underground work is going on. Biafrans, this is our mission, and we must try as much as possible to stop all this, with the emergence of Biafra. This is a vital reason we must keep striving without a stop.

Nigeria holds no better future for our future generation. This is another reason we Biafrans has taken it upon ourselves to make Biafra a reality. At some points, I would admit that the Youngs the future hope of the nation, but in Nigeria, I disagreed to such phrase. This is because, in Nigeria, people that ruled in the past 40 years are also rulers till date. This is not the life we would want our children to have. A place where illiterates are meant to rule well-educated fellows.

The contraption called Nigeria, has expired, as dated and instructed by the creator of Nigeria, Frederic Lugard, the contraption called Nigeria was created to expire after hundred years. Today Nigeria is a hundred and two years, proceeding to be hundred and three in few months today. Why should an expired entity as such as Nigeria be kept? It's time to burn down the contraption and send it to where expired things are posted. Comrades, these are the reasons we shouldn't relent nor think otherwise in this struggle. We must stand shoulder to shoulder with our leader, who is also paying the highest ultimate price in the detention.

We must uphold Biafra because Biafra is our hope, our identity and the in particular hope of our future generation. The kind of our yet unborn generation is in our hands, and we must Make them proud.

Freedom for Biafra. Freedom for Nnamdi Kanu.

Emmanuel Precious

Editor Udeagha Obasi

Umuchiukwu writers.