BREAKING: Shocking Trump Lawsuit DROPPED…This Is A GAME CHANGER!

Donald Trump has been dogged by accusations and lawsuits, with a particular explosion of complaints coming at the close of the presidential campaign.

As the FBI closes in on Hillary from multiple fronts, whether it be disclosing classified secrets from her unsecured server or pay-for-play criminal behavior with the Clinton Foundation, Democrats have found one way of dealing with this nightmare: scream “Rape!” at the top of their lungs.

This is what so many have done, but news has just broken that lays bare these slanderous lies that, unfortunately, many Americans have accepted as the gospel truth.

From The Guardian:

A woman who had accused Donald Trump of raping her when she was a 13-year-old dropped her lawsuit against the Republican nominee on Friday.

One of the accuser’s attorneys, Thomas Meagher, filed a one-page voluntary dismissal in district court in New York late on Friday. Neither he nor a second attorney listed immediately responded to questions about the document.

Trump had been given a tentative court date for the civil lawsuit of 16 December and has denied all the accusations made against him.

After Doe’s suit was filed in June, Alan Garten, a lawyer for the Trump Organization, told the Guardian the claims were “a complete fabrication”.

“This is basically a sham lawsuit brought by someone who desires to impact the presidential election,” he said.

Based on the series of events given, anyone would come to the conclusion that the timing was meant to hurt Trump’s chances for the presidency were complete lies. Why else would they drop the charges hours before the election? They have another answer:

“She has been here all day, ready to do it, but unfortunately she is in terrible fear,” Bloom said on Wednesday. Bloom’s mother, Gloria Allred, is an attorney representing several women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct.

By the way, Gloria Allred is behind all this. It all makes sense. Flaming liberal lawyers just doing what they do best, twisting our system of laws to cheat their way to victory.

Clearly the media is not goign to give this much press. Pro-Trump supporters may not even want this headlined in the nes now since they don’t want any reminders of the accusations against Trump. But this is sweet vindication from a particularly vicious accusation, and everyone needs to know that no, this is not a choice between rape and emails. This is a choice between Donald Trump with his conservative principles for the people—and Hillary Clinton with all the corruption, race-baiting and socialist policies that come with her. America has a clear choice, and now they can make it with a clear conscience.

Source: The Guardian