GERMANY AT BOILING POINT: Furious mob takes to streets hunting and attacking migrants
A MOB of up to 50 stone-throwing neo-Nazis went "hunting" for migrants in the eastern German city of Bautzen yesterday in a repeat of scenes which played out there two months ago.
By Allan Hall
PUBLISHED: 06:21, Thu, Nov 3, 2016 | UPDATED: 09:26, Thu, Nov 3, 2016

German neo-nazis and German flag GETTY
Migrants fled from the mob fearing for their lives

Two refugees fled for their lives from the right-wingers who screamed insults and threats after them.

Police were out in force at the time of the confrontation but apparently did not act until the refugees began to run from the mob who had gathered at the city’s Holzmarkt.

One of the asylum seekers was hit by a bicycle ridden by one of his pursuers and suffered a cut from a stone which hit him.
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Police rescued a second youth and took him away in a patrol car.

The town has had a nightly curfew for unaccompanied minor refugees since the violent events of mid-September when nearly 80 neo-Nazis chased 19 asylum seekers through the streets after exchanging insults in a main square.

This time the far-right opponents of refugees took to cars and bikes to chase the migrants who told police they genuinely felt in fear of their lives.

Like in the previous incident, the confrontation escalated after both groups exchanged verbal insults.

A german police signGETTY
The incident started off with verbal assaults between the right wingers and migrants

The incident has highlighted once again the seething resentment that the far-right has for refugees who are spread out in accommodation centres across the country.

One week after the initial incident in Bautzen, neo-Nazi youths shouting 'foreigners out!' beat up an elderly man in the town.

The 72-year-old German citizen with Algerian roots was set upon by thugs who punched him to the ground.

They hurled racial epithets at him before fleeing and have so far not been caught.

Man arrested by German policeGETTY
One migrants suffered injuries after being hit by a stone

In February, a cheering crowd was seen outside a burning asylum-seeker shelter in Bautzen, clapping and shouting: "Good, that's up in flames."

That same weekend, a video emerged of neo-Nazis intimidating refugee children, preventing them from getting off a bus to get to another shelter in Clausnitz.

Germany recorded more than 1,000 attacks on refugee shelters last year - a five-fold rise over 2014.

Bautzen mayor Alexander Ahrens met members of far-right groups in October in a bid to try to learn their motivation for violence.