Handout Inside Catholic Church Bulletin Says Voting Democratic (Hillary Clinton) Is A 'Mortal Sin' (Snapshot)

Fliers inside a newsletter at a Catholic church in San Diego, United States warned that voting Democratic would result in churchgoers "descending into Hell."

The leaflet was passed out Oct. 16 at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, which doubles as a polling site for the election.

It outlines "how to vote like a Catholic," and shares the political stances of the church on issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.

"Based on the above, it is mortal sin to vote Democrat," the handout states. It adds that if not confessed, the act "means eternal damnation."

Oriental Times: Handout Inside Catholic Church Bulletin Says Voting Democratic (Hillary Clinton) Is

Oriental Times: Handout Inside Catholic Church Bulletin Says Voting Democratic (Hillary Clinton) Is