Russian spokeswoman Maria Zakharova makes a fool of Boris Johnson, after he accuses Russia of war crimes in Syria
Alex Christoforou
Alex Christoforou
September 25, 2016, 5:24 pm 21 11062
Boris Johnson just had his first run in with Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, and he got destroyed via Facebook.

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In an article on The Duran last week by Numan Abd al-Wahid entitled, “How becoming British Foreign Secretary made Boris Johnson flip on Syria”, we examined Boris Johnson’s sudden flip flop on Syria, right after he was appointed British FM.

Author al-Wahid notes…

Following his appointment as British Foreign Secretary British politician Boris Johnson has without explanation transformed from a supporter of cooperation with Bashar Al-Assad, the Syrian government and Russia in the fight against Jihadi terrorism into a supporter alongside Saudi Arabia of regime change in Syria.

Boris’ flip flop is easy to explain. By becoming British FM, Johnson got a gold card entrance into the globalist club.

The global elite, neocons, and Saudi monarchy probably had a nice sit down with Boris and “persuaded” the malleable ex-London mayor to see things their way on Syria and Russia. Boris is now a faithful foot soldier to the “powers that be”, who fund and support ISIS/Al Nusra in Syria.

Now Boris, the flip flopping, Saudi/neocon foot soldier is hitting the TV circuit to promote the war in Syria, and do his part to prop up ISIS and Al Nusra/Al Qaeda…

Johnson went on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, and made some fascinating claims. Most notably…

–that Russia was guilty of protracting the war in Syria as well as “making it far more hideous.”

Johnson said that Russia might be guilty of war crimes if allegations of its attack on a UN humanitarian convoy in Aleppo were true.

Unfortunately for Boris, he is not reading The Duran or Moon of Alabama, otherwise he would have known that evidence is now very much showing that a US Hellfire missile from a Predator Drone most likely set the UN convoy ablaze. Will the US now be guilty of war crimes Boris?

Luckily Russia has assembled a well qualified, sharp team of diplomats at the Foreign Ministry.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted Boris’ ridiculous claims and took to Facebook to respond to Johnson’s accusation regarding Russia’s role in Syria.

Zakharova said that the United Kingdom is guilty of protracting and worsening violence in Iraq, and in the kindest of gestures fixed Boris’ statement, so that it reflects facts on the ground.

“Everything is correct, except for two words: the word ‘Russia’ should be replaced with ‘Britain,’ and ‘Syria’ with ‘Iraq.'”
Sputnik News adds context to the diplomatic war of words going on between the US, its puppy dogs and The Russian Federation…

Currently Syria is seeing intensified fighting in the city of Aleppo, after the Syrian army declared an end to the week-long ceasefire on Friday, blaming militants for numerous violations that made the cessation of hostilities unreasonable.

Earlier on Sunday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that Aleppo had faced the most intense airstrikes since the start of the Syrian conflict, expressing dismay at the situation and the fate of civilians trapped in the city.

A UN-Syrian Arab Red Crescent convoy carrying humanitarian aid for Aleppo province was hit on Monday, according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). As a result, 18 of 31 trucks were destroyed and at least 21 individuals were killed. A number of US military officials claimed that Russia was responsible, while Russia called for a thorough investigation into the incident.

On September 9, US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov brokered a ceasefire in Syria that took effect three days later. The agreement called for unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid and stipulated that only designated terror groups would be targeted in military strikes.


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Widgets Magazine

The United Kingdom is guilty of protracting and worsening violence in Iraq, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday in response to UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's similar accusation regarding Russia's role in Syria.