Biafra: Facebook Restores Radio Biafra after Loosing ‘3 Billion US Dollars’ Few days he removed Radio Biafra London Group
By Afrivibes -
Nov 5, 2016


The popular RADIO BIAFRA LONDON Facebook account has been restored some minutes ago.The Facebook founder suffered a $3 billion loss in the value of his Facebook stock on Thursday, one of the largest single-day losses ever for an individual investor.

Facebook (FB, Tech3 shares plunged 5.5% after the chief financial officer warned investors that the company expects revenue growth from advertising to “come down meaningfully.”

ALSO READ: Nigerian Writes Mark Zuckerberg Via DHL, Accuses Facebook Of Helping Buhari To Crackdown On Opposition Voices In Nigeria

However, we Biafrans are very certain that it is the spirit of Biafra that is the cause of his misfortune, having compromised and violated freedom of speech and expression of Biafrans by suspending an account that has almost 1million members for no just cause, and the major channel via which the plight of Biafrans is passed across to the world.