at 09:310 Africa, Biafra, Featured, World News,

BIAFRA: Since 1967-1970 Biafra/Nigeria civil war which last for good three (3)years through the help of the British government super headed by Harold Wilson and his puppet Gowon. The newly elected president of America Richard Nixon has this to say “was tormented by the atrocities taking place, in the blessed nation of Biafra. He wanted to help but was frustrated by some bureaucrats around him. Nixon's frustration was vivid in his utterance.

“But genocide is what is taking place right now –and starvation in the grim reaper. This not the time to stand a ceremony, or to go through channels or to observe the diplomatic niceties. The destruction of an entire people is an immoral objective even in the most moral of war. It can never be justified; it can never be condoned”(Cities in Dan Jacobs, The Brutality of Nations,:74).

Many believed by exterminating the indigenous people of Biafra, they will have full control of the mineral resources on Biafra soil and keep looting Black Continent (Afrika) dry. Many world powers supplied weapons to the contraption Nigeria and also assisted them to subjugate and kill the indigenous clans. The Biafrans survived the war and also progressing in different sector after the war they were given 20pounds each both those that have millions in their accounts was given 20 pounds each. During the period many companies were packing and selling off their shares because of the small money the Nigeria government gave the Biafrans after the war they couldn’t participate in buying some companies but the still survived the hardship and moved on.

The indigenous people have been killed on a daily basis in the hands of the Islamic fundamentalist in the northern Nigeria and recently on Biafra soil still the world keep silence on their plight. The leader of the indigenous people of Biafra and Director of Radio Biafra – Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has been illegally detained for excising his fundamental human right with the United Nation Charter for self-determination which the contraption is a signatory to.

The indigenous people of Biafra (IPO has been calling and protesting peacefully around the world for the unconditional release of their leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu still the world is silent on the plight of indigenous people. Thousands of the peaceful protesting has been slaughtered and arrested unjustly for agitating for their right to self-determination they world refused to come to their aid. Many genocides committed in some parts of the world has been discussed and solved but the genocide committed against Biafran people in 1967-1970 has been swept under the carpet because they are the beacon of hope to Black World.

Shakespeare has these to say. “To every man upon this earth death
Cometh soon or later; And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds For the ashes of his fathersAnd the temples of his gods.

The ascent African state of Biafra took up the challenge to lead the children of African out “From the bondage of the age” but was killed by the those who act as if they really love Africa and Africans such as the then British prime minister, Harold Wilson and the then American president, Lyndon Johnson, who responded to famine in Biafra in 1968 have these to say about the plights of Biafra. “I don’t care what you do. Just get those black babies off my TV screen. But people like Yakubu Gowon and his colleagues, in their naivety, may have believed that these two influential leaders were lovers not only of the contraption called Nigeria but of the entire Africa continent.

The western world uses African leader (looters) as willing tools to kill their up strings. Supplying weapons in the name of fighting terrorism. They create terrorist groups to destroy humanity to take up powers to keep looting and banking it aboard.
They cry for the indigenous people of Biafra will judge the world of injustice. The UN, EU, and AU has been mute seeing the injustice and atrocities going on in the native soil and they do nothing about even when evidence has been given and shown to the indigenous people. The Nigeria states is an illegal entity created to last for 100years of amalgamation which 31st December 2013 the state of Nigeria was declared invalid.
Freedom for Biafra is the freedom of Black Continent.

#FreeNnamdiKanu a prisoner of conscience.

By Nwabueze Hope Ikenna
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For Umuchiukwu Writers.