Rev. Graham Just Responded To Obama’s Radical Mosque Visit… His Message ROCKED Internet
Feb 05, 2016
by admin in DIASPORA

Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Franklin Graham responded to President Barack Obama’s radical mosque visit by penning a scathing rebuttal to the president’s assertion that Americans need to be more accepting of Islam.

“The foundations of this nation have nothing to do with Islam, but everything to do with the Church of Jesus Christ,” Graham wrote on Facebook. “Islam cannot save anyone from hell or open the gates of heaven.”

He added, “Only One can do that — Jesus Christ, the Son of God who paid the debt of sin for all mankind by giving His life as a sacrifice on Calvary’s cross where He suffered and died for our sins, took our sins to the grave, and on the third day God raised Him triumphantly to life.”

Graham also pointed out that Jesus is still alive, whereas the Prophet Muhammad has long been dead.

Graham wrote this toughly worded rebuke in response to Obama visiting a mosque in Baltimore with reportedties to terrorism. Additionally, one of the imams