A Republican Cabinet Dreams Are Made Of…Trump’s

Americans already know many of Trump’s presidential plans regarding border security, rebuilding our nation as an economic powerhouse, restoring justice to our system and draining the swamp that is Washington D.C..

Now we are getting much clearer vision of who Trump will be achieving these goals with, as this potential Cabinet Dream Team will be helping him make the vision a reality.

Some of Trump’s top picks come as surprise, while others have been stalwart companions during this brutal campaign trail.

NBC News reports:

Among the names being considered, according to conversations with three campaign advisers who requested anonymity to speak freely: Rudy Giuliani for Attorney General, Newt Gingrich for Secretary of State, retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn for Defense Secretary or National Security Adviser, Trump finance chairman Steven Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary, and Republican National Committee finance chair Lew Eisenberg for Commerce Secretary.

While Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich are hardly surprises—and they are, by the way, fantastic, experienced choices—another name came up that has stunned many:

Reince Priebus, the current RNC chairman, is under consideration as Trump’s Chief of Staff. Priebus earned Trump’s trust over the course of the campaign by steadfastly defending him while other top Republicans denounced Trump or shied away from brand.

If Reince Priebus is able to manage a broad Republican victory in which the House, Senate and White House are all controlled by his party, he will have shown not only loyalty, but also an ability to bring together a broad coalition and manage it to a successful result.

These names have leaked from an anonymous source inside the campaign, not directly from Trump himself, and apparently Trump has had little to do with it so far.

Trump himself has not taken an active part in transition efforts, in part out of superstition: He fears too much planning before a victory might jinx the campaign. In 2012, he was shocked to read detailed stories on Mitt Romney’s preparations for the White House long before election day.

This clearly shows high levels of discipline and focus to keep his eye on victory until it has been secured. Thankfully, Trump has the vision for America that should lead to greater prosperity and peace, with the right people who can help him accomplish it.

Source: NBC News