By D.T. -
November 8, 2016

An FBI director has made a public endorsement of a presidential candidate for the very first time in U.S. history when former assistant FBI director James Kallstrom officially accepted Donald Trump as his choice for president.

VIA Conservative Tribune

“I’m endorsing Donald Trump. I’ve known him 40 years. I’ve never endorsed a candidate. He’s a good human being. He’s a generous person,” he started.

“He’s got a big heart. He’s done hundreds and hundreds of things for people without fanfare. He’s a good guy. He’s a patriot of this country and regardless of what he says, his acts show that he is not that person. He’s been in this Hollywood crowd that talks like that, a lot of people talk like that,” Kallstrom said, referencing the audio leak from 2005.

“He doesn’t do these things. He’s a good guy. I’ve known his family from the time they were kids. Look at his children. Could you find a better family than he brought up in this country? This country is absolutely going in the wrong direction,” he said. Then he had some angry words for Hillary.

“Seventy percent of the people want change. You’re not going to get change with Hillary Clinton. This is the woman that lied when she was on the Watergate staff,” said Kallstrom, “I mean, she’s a pathological liar.”

Watch the discussion with Kallstrom in the video below and let us know what you think of it in the comment section below.

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