After Trump victory, rabbis call for unity and tolerance
Jewish spiritual leaders across US call on Jews to build bridges with their fellow citizens
By Josefin Dolsten November 10, 2016, 6:38 am

Donald Trump’s unexpected victory sunk in, rabbis across the country took to social media to share their reactions and address their congregants. Many rabbis encouraged unity and tolerance, and called on Jews to build bridges with their fellow citizens.

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Some were dismayed by the results of the election, such as Rabbi Debbie Zecher, rabbi emerita at Hevreh of Southern Berkshire in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.

Rabbi Jill Jacobs, Executive Director of T’ruah, wrote that the human rights rabbinic group was “terrified” by Trump’s “hateful rhetoric.”

“While T’ruah does not endorse candidates, we have been terrified by the hateful rhetoric espoused by the campaign of the President-elect, and by the rejection of the basic human rights protections, democratic ideas, and valuing of diversity that makes the United States strong. The wave of increased hate speech and even hate crimes alarms us, as a people whose history teaches the danger of scapegoating minorities,” Jacobs said in a statement.

Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz, President and Dean of Valley Beit Midrash in Phoenix, Arizona, wrote a message of hope, saying “love will always win in the long run.”