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Russia: CIA Gave Terrorist Coordinates To Bomb Russian Hospital

Dec 2016
al qaeda, Al-Nusra, Aleppo, CIA, FSA, Russian Hospital, syria
Russia intercepts western intelligence communications providing Syria terrorists with coordinates to bomb a hospital moments before it is shelled.

Russia says the CIA and western intelligence agencies were caught supplying Rebels coordinates to shell a Russian hospital.

The Russia Defense Ministry has issued an official statement claiming they intercepted western intelligence communications providing Syria terrorists with coordinates to bomb a Russian hospital moments before the attack began.

In the statement Russia’s Ministry of Defense stated that the CIA and UK intelligence agencies have blood on their hands and must be held accountable for the attack which killed two paramedics and injuring dozens more including civilian woman and children and an RT reporter who was reporting live from the scene..

Russia says that there is no doubt that the terrorists and their patrons in the US, the UK and France are responsible for the bombing adding that those who have funded and organized the terrorist forces must be held accountable.

“Full responsibility for the killing and injuring of our medics, who were treating children in Aleppo, lies not only with the actual perpetrators [of this crime], that is with the ‘opposition’ militants. The blood of our military personnel is on the hands of the people who ordered the hit … [on the hands] of the terrorists’ patrons from the US, the UK, France and other terrorist sympathizers,” Konashenkov said.

Russia lodged a complaint with the United nations over the incident.
2 Russian paramedics killed, 1 gravely injured in militant attack on hospital in Aleppo – MoD

Two Russian medical specialists were killed and another injured when militants shelled a mobile military hospital in Aleppo, Russia’s Defense Ministry said, while calling on the international community and human rights organizations to condemn the attack.

One Russian medic was killed immediately at the Russian military mobile hospital set up in western Aleppo, and another died later in a hospital after succumbing to her injuries, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The doctors are now fighting for the life of Russian pediatrician, who was also severely injured in the attack.

“Today, between 12:21 and 12:30pm [local time], a medical center of the Russian Defense Ministry’s mobile hospital in Aleppo was shelled by the militants during the reception time,” ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov told journalists.

Some local residents attending medical appointments were also injured during the shelling that targeted one of the field hospitals set up in the government held part of the city, the ministry added.

Russian military hospital set up 4 civilians from E #Aleppoattacked this morning. 1 Russian doc killed 2 nurses injured. due 2 open 2moro
1:25 PM – 5 Dec 2016

“We demand that the international community, as well as the International Federation of Red Cross, Red Crescent Societies, Doctors without Borders (MSF), and other international organizations strongly condemn this deliberate killing of Russian military medics that were fulfilling their duty of care by treating Aleppo residents,” Konashenkov said, adding that the crime would be investigated, and all those responsible would be brought to justice.

RT has requested comment on the shelling of the Russian hospital from the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as the Red Cross, Human Rights Watch, Human Rights First, and Amnesty International. None of these organizations has answered so far.

“The hospital was far from the frontline. Now it’s totally destroyed,” Vladimir Savchenko, the head of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria told journalists earlier.

“The hospital was in open terrain and had clear identification markings – it was clearly seen,” Savchenko said, adding that the militants “still used this situation and carried out a massive strike against [the facility] … in defiance of the international regulations, of the humanitarian law that forbids the shelling of hospitals.”

After the shelling of the hospital, an RT crew with a producer from RT Arabic, Somar Abudiab, arrived at the scene. They were filming when the shelling resumed and Abudiab was injured by a shell fragment.

The Russian Defense Ministry attributes the blame for the hospital shelling to “terrorists and their patrons in the US, the UK and France.”

“It is beyond doubt that the shelling was conducted by the ‘opposition’ militants.Moscow understands who gave the Syrian militants the coordinates of the Russian hospital right at the moment when it started working,” Konashenkov said.

Some of my team in the hospital now say it’s overflowing with injured civilians, lots of kids from non stop shelling 2day #Aleppo
1:51 PM – 5 Dec 2016

“Full responsibility for the killing and injuring of our medics, who were treating children in Aleppo, lies not only with the actual perpetrators [of this crime], that is with the ‘opposition’ militants. The blood of our military personnel is on the hands of the people who ordered the hit … [on the hands] of the terrorists’ patrons from the US, the UK, France and other terrorist sympathizers,” Konashenkov said.

RT’s Lizzie Phelan reports from Aleppo that the city is subject to non-stop shelling by the militants and the hospital that was targeted was overcrowded with injured civilians, including children.

Phelan said “nine mortar shells landed in the area” of the Russian hospital.
