Wednesday December 28, 2016


“And the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell together: for their substance was great, so that they could not dwell together. And there was a strife between the herdmen of Abram's cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle: and the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land” (Genesis 13:6-7)

The 11th hour miracles and testimonies are on already and the Holy Ghost wants you to know that He will be disconnecting some people from you that will not be useful in and to your God orchestrated settled life in 2017.

Yes, God is going to shake away some people from your life and ministry and ADD new helpers to you before the last day of 2016.

Listen, some people DO NOT BELONG in your life and they must go! Because you “like” or “looo-v-e” that person, have known them for a long time, they are the best hands you know, we are family thing, or they are “nice” does not MAKE THEM RIGHT, please allow God do WHAT HE MUST FOR YOU.

You will need to be firm and do this for “the love of you” before you can “love your neighbor”. Stop making excuses for their inabilities or your differences. Lot and Abraham grew up together, wanted to stick together, not knowing that their destinies where in opposite directions. Abraham to the land of Promise and Lot to Sodom and Gomorrah, the land of filth! Not all STRIFE is of the devil…that was what God also used to get Abraham’s attention to separate Lot’s ungodly destiny with Abraham’s praise worthy destiny.

Hear me, yes I am talking to you…IT’S TIME TO DISCONNECT SO YOU CAN MOVE FORWARD and TAKE OVER IN YEAR 2017.


1) Pray about today’s Word as led.

2) Give me the conviction and grace oh God to do what I have to do so I can move forward, in Jesus Christ name.

3) Powers of divine destiny destroyers, you have no place in my life. I denounce every legal or illegal hold you have on and over me and I walk away from you in every way in Jesus Christ name, amen.

(Pray in tongues now)
