Thursday December 29, 2016


“Many are the afflictions of the righteous:

but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.” (Psalms 34:19)

Welcome to today’s devotional with the BISHOP and SHEPHERD of our soul.

Yes, we live in a world filled with stress of different kinds but the GREATER ONE still lives inside of us. Jesus said in this world, we will have tribulations but He didn’t stop at that, He said He had overcome for us.

As this year rolls to an end, we can NEVER live our yesterday’s anymore but we can live our best in our today and our tomorrow.

The Holy Ghost wants to encourage someone today, all is not LOST. Worry, confusion, fear of the future, anxiety and stress will only slow you down. Give it all to God who is ABLE and KNOWS all things. He knows the way out and into your divine destiny and that is where He is taking you to.

All that you are going through is about the enemy giving it his best to stop you. But, did he stop your birth? No, he couldn’t because you are already a “TIMED AND FINISHED WORK” of Jehovah and when God says a thing, nothing can stop it.

Mark the word, the Holy Spirit used, “TIMED” Which means God has the outline and He is in charge. All that you are and have been going through are part of your preparation and training for the occupation of your territory for Christ.

The TRUTH is you are part of God’s salvation plan and if the death and resurrection of Christ was achieved, the Holy Spirit is on earth doing wonders, then the part of the plan where you represent is already a success.

The ONLY place you CAN GO, IS UP to greatness. My brother, my sister, allow Divinity hug strength back into you through the Word of God and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. You are loved by THE BEST.


1) Pray about today’s Word as led.

2) My Father and my God, roll away every mountain of obstacles on my way and in my life, in Jesus Christ name.

3) Spirit of God, The Might of El Shaddai, uproot take every tree of difficulties in every area of my life. Keep me and guide me into my territory for Christ, in Jesus Christ name, amen.

(Pray in tongues now)
