As agents, you register with a non-refundable registration fee of N25,000.00 and can have a maximum of two (2) accounts. You cannot log into the same account on two or more systems. Any attempt to log in with an account that has already logged in will automatically log the first one out.
You cannot register other agents unless you just want to recommend them to the business but you do not get any commission on them. Your commission is 30% of total profit and accounts are also done weekly.

To be an agent, pls, click here and fill the form to join, but be sure to pay your registration fee into the accounts listed below before completing the form because you payment details will be required on the form. Thanks.



در باره

SkyBetNaija is a sports bookmaker. If you are hearing about the term bookmakers (bookies for short) for the first time, a bookmaker is a company or a person that takes bets and pays winnings depending upon results.
It's all about trading on the results of various sports matches. This depends on the outcome of the matches. Each match and outcome have their own prices (called odds).
We offer a wide range of sports on our platform including football, basketball and tennis and SkyBetNaija platforms.
SkyBetNaija is securely managed and backed up a strong gaming solution provider and you have nothing to worry about.
SkyBetNaija offers you value, security and control and our dedicated staff would always ensure that our customers are given first class treatment because our policy is to always respond to all customers enquiries within 24 hours from the time of first contacting us. 08036457771