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at 02:520 Africa, Biafra, Featured, World News,

BIAFRA: The right of nations to self-determination is a cardinal principle of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article fifteen states that "everyone has the right to a nationality". The Nigerian military has once again, relaunches another formula to completely exterminate Biafrans, in operation tagged "OPERATION PYTHON DANCE". This recent development has caused coercion in the Southern part, which is the present day Biafra Land. It quite unfortunate, that after the exposure of the unacceptable manner of which the Nigerian army massacred innocent Biafrans by the Amnesty International, that these uneducated bunch of illiterates, has emerged with a greater treat.

I want to remind the international Communities that the right to self-determination is an integral element of basic human rights, and fundamental freedoms. It is only through the realisation of this very fundamental right of people to determine, with no compulsions or coercion, their own future, political status and independence that the world can begin to address other rights, such as dignity, justice, progress and equity. The International Communities mustn't forget so quickly that the very good was imbibed into the UN charter law to self-determination.

Even with this illustration, Biafrans were stripped off this right to determine their own fate, due either to military clampdowns, aggression, Occupations or exploitation of foreign power to the citizens of Biafra. Emphasising on these issues, the respect of Self-determination is a precondition for no other enjoyment of other human rights, and no other right could be fully enjoyed without it. My worst amazement is based on the fact that the Nigerian government has become so ignorant to know that they are signatory to that very law.

Biafrans were deprived of this right and were also extra-judiciary massacred during the civil war which sprung up at the late 1960s between the defenceless Biafrans and the fully armed contraption called Nigeria. The world as a whole has deliberately ignored the Universally recognised International Bill of Human Rights as well as all aspects of the International and Humanitarian law, for more than fifty decades. Since the war was halted, no atom of justice, for those who were utterly wasted and those who were deprived of their originality with the use of arms.

Anyone speaking of One United Nigeria, as insane as never imagined. Speaking of one unitary nonsense Nigeria, while still engaging in its destruction of lives and properties of those agitating for a Sovereign State of Biafra, makes a great mockery of the International Community's support for the United States of Biafra, as prior to the law, backing up this right to self-determination, and also, obstructing peace and security of innocent lives of Biafrans. We are only agitating for our rights, and we are entitled to them. Anticipating on the issue of beckoning, or sensitising to keep a failed state called Nigeria one, is only saying that the United Nation's declarations of the rights of the Indigenous People are null and void. This is the only situation that can grant such nonsensical decision.

Let's remind the world once more, that right to self-determination belongs to all, and doesn't come after negotiations. The United Nations and Decolonization in the charter of the United Nations to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights. All people have the right to self-determination by virtue and obligations of that right. No need to tell the Nigerian military to abort their already planned operations, but we must remind them again that we are also entitled to live. Fundamentally, we have the right to defend ourselves, because we already knew that they are out for a religious war.

We are the Indigenous People Of Biafra, and every meaningful being should be aware that we have every right to live as a people. We have decided to leave the already expired contraption called Nigeria, and we have no intention to abort such decision, not after losing more that six million people to the cold arm of death caused by the military clampdown. We have every right beyond reasonable doubt to take what rightfully belong to us. We are not terrorists. If Nigeria is not above this law, then we are automatically justified to exercise our rights. Since they are not, the International Communities should not hesitate to caution the illiterate president because we assume he has no clue of his actions.

Our only quest is Biafra, nothing more or less.

Ugochinyere Onyechere

Editor Udeagha Obasi
For UmuChiukwu Writers.

at 02:370 Africa, Biafra, Featured, World News,

BIAFRA: One of the tools used by President Mohammadu Buhari to intimidate Judges who don't want to dent their image and the sacristy of the judiciary is the non-existing anti-graft war. He uses the so-called anti-corruption fight to intimidate and harass real and honest Judges to deliver his own ruling and judgement which suit him.

Recently, he used the political thugs called the DSS to attack Justice Ademola who never wanted to take any evil money and promotion from him to jail Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Justice Ademola having seen that Nnamdi Kanu is too innocent to be condemned gave his ruling granting Nnamdi Kanu an immediate, and unconditional release from the DSS custody but so shameful Mohammadu Buhari disobeyed this court order and directed his political thugs DSS to still detain Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Then a few months later Mohammadu Buhari used this fake nonexisting anti-graft war through the DSS led by his uncle Duara to accuse Justice Ademola of taking a bribe and as well tag him a corrupt Judge.

The same goes to Justice Nkwunta who refused to take bribe from Mohammadu Buhari through one of his minister's called Rotimi Amaechi on a condition that Justice Nkwunta should deliver judgement on rivers state governorship in favour of Mohammadu Buhari and his political party APC in Rivers State but the judge having seen that if he gives a ruling to please Mohammadu Buhari, this will amount to doom on him and a big disgrace to the judiciary. The next we heard was that the "political thugs" DSS has arrested Justice Nkwunta based on corrupt practices on the side of the Judge.

Another fearless Judge who was also accused of taking bribe by Mohammadu Buhari's political thugs was Justice Nnamdi Dimgba of Federal High Court, Abuja, who said he will not grant any application brought by the Department of State Service (DSS) until all orders of the court are obeyed, because it would be wrong for the court to grant an application of the DSS when it had no regard for orders of the court. The next word we heard was Justice Nnamdi Dimgba has been arrested, so pathetic.

I salute the courage of these Judges who stood their ground to uphold the sanctity image of their profession and also say no to the evil president of Nigeria. Today, Justice John Tosho has shamefully gone into the tin air for selling out his dignity to a man who never attended any school(Mohammadu Buhari). Today that name Justice Tosho is a curse to the judiciary in Nigeria and all over the world.

Today his name has changed from Justice John Tosho to Injustice John Tosho. I, therefore, advise and call on Hon, Justice Binta Nyanko to emulate her fellow Judges who confidently said NO! to the present evil and corrupt government of Nigeria led by Mohammadu Buhari. Justice Binta should stand her ground and not be intimidated by President Mohammadu Buhari and his political thugs the DSS to deliver justice to the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

Written by Lucky ike

Editor Udeagha Obasi


By Ifeanyi Chijioke
December 01, 2016 / 11:21 AM

The Abuja High Court presided over by Justice Binta Nyako has once again denied the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra bail as expected. This is coming months after the previous Judge took same step; anchoring his reason on flight risk and other frivolous reasons.

Justice Binta who differs on her reason for bail denial said that the offences the defendants were accused of are ‘grievous’ and for that reason denied them bail even when there are no evidences to buttress the said offence.

In response to the order made by Buhari during a median media chat; that Nnamdi Kanu shall be granted no bail, the Judge termed it “freedom of speech” this is coming even when everything Nnamdi Kanu was accused of is anchored on freedom of speech. It is strange that Muhammed Buhari now enjoys freedom of speech while others are detained while expressing their own freedom of speech.

The Judge further noted that the trial will continue while in one month or two months interval; a move that is expected to delay the case more. The previous Judge had opted for accelerated hearing while but Binta Nyako has shown she is not in a ha...follow link to continue reading:

The Biafra Post
xxxxx|By Chinwe Korie


Live pictures of Biafrans who came from various states in Biafraland, already gathered outside the court premises in Abuja, waiting for victory in Nnamdi Kanu's case today.

The DSS in their usual manner have positioned themselves and preventing people from going through the gate. But our zeal remain unwavering.

We are Biafra writers and we will do everything possible to ensure we cover today's proceedings no matter the obstruction posed by the pedophile(Buhari) and his dogs the DSS, we remain undaunted!

Anyikwa Kekechi Cynthia, Chukwuemeka Chimerue And Ejike Ofoegbu, Reporting live from Abuja for BIAFRA WRITERS

#Biafrawriters #liveupdate #staytuned!!!



8 yrs - Youtube

Tweet for this special day # Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him. everybody must tweet and retweet and share, please.
@DanaBashCNN,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@SkyNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@BuzzFeedNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@BBCNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@abcnews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@CBSNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@AJENews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@XHNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@guardiannews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@SkyNewsBreak,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@simonpegg,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@NewsHour,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@TelegraphNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@BBCNewsUS,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@SkyNewsAust,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@newscomauHQ,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@WNTonight,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@CBCNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@ENews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@MTVNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@NBCNightlyNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@airnewsalerts,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@NY1,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@abpnewstv,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@NBCNewsBusiness,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@NBCNewsBusiness,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@CBSHealth,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@ENewsNow,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@ABC7News,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@ONENewsNZ,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@SBSNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@abcnewsCanberra,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@BBCWorld,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@foxnewsalert,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@JTAnews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@BBCBreaking,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@ABSCBNNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@ANCALERTS,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@gmanews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@ABC7,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@gmanews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@ChannelNewsAsia,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@itvnews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@vicenews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@ForbesTech,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@NZStuff,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@RT_com,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@fox8news,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@pdnonline,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@NYFed_News,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@latimesmovies,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@TySteeleNEWS,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@APBusiness,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@CambridgeNewsUK,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@FOX59,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@MashableNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@DavidClinchNews,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@adndotcom,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@WFTV,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@feverray,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@GulfNewsSport,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@Owen_PatersonMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@RobertJenrick,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@DavidGauke,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@NickHarveyND,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@WalkerWorcester,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@uxbridgewalrus,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@Dunne4Ludlow,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@mowat4ws,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@Accenture,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@MalcolmRi****ind,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@NickBolesMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@RichardGrahamMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@Marcus4Nuneaton,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@Simonhartmp,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@tcunninghammp1,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@AndyLoveLabour,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@AlbertOwenMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@KateHoeyMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@George_Osborne,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@EdwardJDavey,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@Mike4Eastleigh,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@GordonMarsden,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@Jackloprestimp,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@FrancieMolloy,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@JohnHowellMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@HelenJonesMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@AlistairBurtMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@SarahChampionMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@SarahChampionMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@AndyMcDonaldMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@HugoSwire,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@HenrySmithMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@PeterBoneMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@SarahNewtonMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@AnneCMcIntosh,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@FitzMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@DavidHeathMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@martinvickersmp,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@Maria_MillerMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@KevanJonesMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@scrabbmp,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@AJonesMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@bobblackmanmp,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@MPritchardMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@JulieElliottMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@murrisonMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@EmmaLewellBuck,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@juliansmithmp,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him
@CLeslieMP,No justice for #NNAMDIKANU, #Buhari has indirectly warned judiciary not to release him

HAPPENING NOW: Jubilation As IPOB Leader, Nnamdi Kanu Arrives Federal High Court (VIDEO)

The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu has reportedly arrived the federal high court, Abuja, a facebook user shared online. See video after this cut...

Oriental Times: HAPPENING NOW: Jubilation As IPOB Leader, Nnamdi Kanu Arrives Federal High Court (VI

Oriental Times: HAPPENING NOW: Jubilation As IPOB Leader, Nnamdi Kanu Arrives Federal High Court (VI

Thursday, December 01, 2016

HAPPENING NOW!!! DSS Allegedly Prevents IPOB, Other Nnamdi Kanu Supporters From Entering Court Premises (Photos)

The Indigenous People of Biafra and other supporters of Nnamdi Kanu are already in Federal High Court Abuja, but they are forced to stay outside the court premises as the DSS allegedly prevented them from entering through the gate.

More details later

Photos below...

Oriental Times: HAPPENING NOW!!! DSS Allegedly Prevents IPOB, Other Nnamdi Kanu Supporters From Ente

Oriental Times: HAPPENING NOW!!! DSS Allegedly Prevents IPOB, Other Nnamdi Kanu Supporters From Ente

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Dec 1, 2016 Posted by Fatu Network Gambia, News, Top Stories Africell, Comium, Election, Gambia, Gamtel, internet, Qcell, Yahya Jammeh 0
Gambia: Gov’t shuts down internet gateway & blocks international calls on eve of elections

By Alhagie Jobe

The Jammeh administration has shut down the country’s telecom giant, Gamtel’s international gateway system putting the whole nation incommunicado ahead of Thursday, December 1st presidential polls as there are no incoming and outgoing calls as well as internet access in the country.

Social media users – Gambians in and out of the country went to bed Wednesday with the disappointing news without any genuine reason advance ahead of voting in today’s election.

Gambians go to the polls on December 1st with incumbent President Yahya Jammeh who is widely believed to be going to loose is facing perhaps the biggest political challenge during his 22 years in power. He is been challenged by Adama Barow who is leading a revitalized and united opposition coalition and Mama Kandeh of the Gambia Democratic Congress who was a former National Assembly member of the ruling Jammeh APRC party.

The shutdown affects all the four GSM companies in the country providing internet service for mobile devices etc – Africell and QCell, which are privately owned; the state-owned Gamtel’s subsidiary, Gamcel, which provides 3G internet services; and Comium, the newest private player in the market, which provides 2G internet services.

None of the country’s GSM companies have circulated an advance message of notification of this development to their subscribers but many believed it’s an attempt by the incumbent President Yahya Jammeh to rig the election and stay in power for another five years.

The Gambia Telecommunications Company Limited, Gamtel, owns the fiber-optic cable that runs across the country and is the sole fixed-line provider. As a state-owned entity, Gamtel also controls the international gateway, allowing private telecoms to lease the gateway for data services only.


In May 2013, however, the government began the process of liberalizing international gateway services by granting international data transmission licenses to private telecom operators.Voice communications, on the other hand, remain purely state-owned and controlled as part of the government’s effort to protect Gamtel’s monopoly.

The ACE Africa Coast to Europe (ACE) submarine cable system landed in The Gambia in December 2012, connecting the country to the 14,000 kilometer fiber-optic cable that stretches from France down the west coast of Africa to South Africa. Controlled by Gamtel, the ACE cable was expected to boost bandwidth and drive new services at more affordable rates, but as of mid-2014, such improvements have yet to be realized.

Despite the recent liberalization of the international gateway, the Gambia government still exerts a significant level of control over internet access in the country. In April 2013, the regulator PURA issued a press release banning internet cafes from offering Voice over IP (VoIP).

Long known for his eccentricities, international attention has increasingly focused on the repressive nature of President Jammeh’s rule as political rights and civil liberties are severely restricted in The Gambia, with conditions for press freedom and freedom of expression particularly tenuous.

As access to information via ICTs has proliferated over the past two decades, the government has proactively applied its notably harsh media censorship tactics to the internet, beginning as early as 2006 with the blocking of two critical online news outlets. In 2014, at least 15 news and opposition websites were blocked, most of which are based abroad and operated by exiled Gambian journalists.

The government strengthened its ability to control the internet in 2013 and 2014 through both technical and legal means. In March 2014, internet access was disconnected for 48 hours, enabled by state control over the country’s telecommunications infrastructure, while the popular Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application, Viber, was blocked a few weeks later. Internet cafe registration regulations were initiated in April 2013, requiring an onerous application process, and in September 2013, the regulator issued further guidelines that mandated specific requirements on the physical layout of cyber cafes and the signs that must be displayed.


Additionally, existing legal restrictions on freedom of expression were explicitly applied to the internet in July 2013 with the passage of amendments to the 2009 Information and Communications Act, which prescribed up to 15 years in prison, a fine of up to GMD 3 million (US$100,00, or both, for using the internet to criticize, impersonate, or spread “false news” about public officials. The law applies to Gambians both in the country and abroad.

Meanwhile, access to the internet in The Gambia has increased steadily over the past decade according to a data from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Fixed-broadband subscriptions are still paltry and internet infrastructure is now in existent in rural areas, resulting in a significant urban-rural unity in access.

The Gambia has one of the highest mobile phone penetrations in Africa, with an access rate of nearly 100 percent and majority of the population have access to mobile broadband with the introduction of 3G wireless internet connections via mobile devices.