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November, Tuesday 15th 2016


"I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it”. (Psalm 81: 1

Welcome to Tuesday, a day filled with fire from Divinity, cash in beloved!

The LORD GOD is calling and inviting you to OPEN your mouth because HE wants to FILL it.

God wanted man and HE said “Let us make man in our own image(class of God)”. God filled the whole earth by calling them to be. Now are you looking for anything that is in this world GOD created? There is a procedure, call it in, speak it in.

Before Pharaoh was destroyed, God sent Moses to tell him what was to happen to him if he continued to disobey Him.

Beloved, have you been forced into a situation by so called “impossibilities or problems” that has been hindering your God given potentials from manifesting to the fullest? Remember, the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep, but THE SPIRIT OF GOD changed it, by taking over the atmosphere. Is your situation worse than “without form and void, with darkness upon the deep”? NO!!! THE BLOOD CHANGED ALL THAT ALREADY.

As you read this, may the atmosphere where you are at be charged by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus Christ name, amen.

It’s time to command, instruct, decree, pronounce and proclaim. Let no body HAVE THE LAST SAY IN YOUR LIFE but GOD.

What negative name, has that situation been calling you? Speak out loud and REJECT it. Where and what has God promised to give you as an inheritance? Call it forth. What has kept you “bent over”? Speak now and run it out of your life with the speed of Divinity.

The Spirit of God is telling a reader of today’s devotional; “you can’t have anything I have given to you on this earth that was created by Words without, calling into creation the world I have promised and ordained for you”.

God wants to fill your mouth with the right words according to what is on ground for you beloved.

WELCOME TO THE “CLASS OF GOD ” Life, love child of Yahweh!

*Take a song of worship and honor God with it


1) In your own words, pray with today’s Scripture.

2) My Father and my God, give me the grace and boldness to live the class of God life in Jesus Christ name.

3) My words have power! My words have fire! My words are bullets against hell! My words, heals, builds, destroys, renews! Therefore, whatever I declare now MUST happen in Jesus Christ name, amen. (Begin to speak to those situations and circumstances now)

(Pray in tongues now)


Mardi 15 Novembre 2016

DIEU va remplir votre bouche avec les mots justes pour votre cas.

«Je suis l'Éternel, ton Dieu, qui t'ai fait sortir du pays d'Égypte, ouvre ta bouche et je la remplirai» (Psaume 81: 1.

Bienvenue à mardi, une journée remplie de feu de la Divinité, de l'argent comptant en bien-aimé!

L'Éternel Dieu vous appelle et vous invite à OUVRIR votre bouche parce qu'il veut la. REMPLIR.

Dieu voulait l'homme et il a dit: «Faisons l'homme à notre image». Dieu a rempli toute la terre en les appelant à être. Maintenant, êtes-vous à la recherche de tout ce qui est dans ce monde créé par DIEU? Il y a une procédure, appelez-le, créez-le par la parole.

Avant que Pharaon ne soit détruit, Dieu a envoyé Moïse pour lui dire ce qui devait lui arriver s'il continuait à Lui désobéir.

Bien-aimé, avez-vous été forcé dans une situation par les soi-disant «impossibilités ou problèmes» qui ont empêché votre potentiel donné par Dieu de se manifester au maximum? Rappelez-vous, la terre était sans forme et vide et les ténèbres étaient sur la face de la profondeur, mais L'ESPRIT DE DIEU a changé, en prenant le dessus sur l'atmosphère. Votre situation est-elle pire que «sans forme et vide, avec des ténèbres sur les profondeurs»? NON!!! LE SANG A DÉJÀ TOUT CHANGÉ.

En lisant ceci, que l'atmosphère où vous êtes soit chargée par la puissance du Saint-Esprit au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen.

Il est temps de commander, instruire, décréter, prononcer et proclamer. Que personne n’AIT LE DERNIER MOT DANS VOTRE VIE, mais DIEU.

Quel nom négatif, cette situation vous a t-elle appelée? Parlez à voix haute et REJETEZ-LE. Où et que Dieu a-t-il promis de vous donner en héritage? Appelez-le. Qu'est-ce qui vous a maintenu “penché “? Parlez maintenant et chassez-le hors de votre vie avec la vitesse de la Divinité.

L'Esprit de Dieu dit à un lecteur de la dévotion d'aujourd'hui; «Vous ne pouvez avoir rien de ce que je vous ai donné sur cette terre qui a été créé par des mots sans, appeler à existance le monde que j'ai promis et ordonné pour vous».

Dieu veut remplir votre bouche avec les mots justes selon ce qui est sur la terre pour vous bien-aimé.

BIENVENUE DANS UNE VIE DE «CLASSE de DIEU » enfant d'amour de Yahweh!

* Prenez un chant d'adoration et honorez Dieu avec


1) Dans vos propres mots, priez avec l'Écriture d'aujourd'hui.

2) Mon Père et mon Dieu, donnez-moi la grâce et l'audace de vivre la classe de Dieu en Jésus-Christ.

3) Mes paroles ont le pouvoir! Mes paroles ont du feu! Mes mots sont des balles contre l'enfer! Mes paroles guérissent, construisent, détruisent, renouvellent ! Donc, tout ce que je déclare maintenant DOIT se produire au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen. (Commencez à parler à ces situations et circonstances maintenant)

(Priez en langues maintenant)


BREAKING!!! How Bill Gates is Sponsoring B/Haram Insurgency in Nigeria Revealed

14th November 2016
Emeh James Anyalekwa

The Global Prolife Alliance (GPA) Council has identified American billionaire, Bill Gates as a major foreign sponsor of the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria’s North East region.

Speaking with journalists in Owerri, the chairman of the GPA, Dr. Philip Njemanze disclosed that Gates and Monsanto were sponsoring the insurgency in the region using their biotechnology companies.

ALSO READ: EXPOSED!!! Machines of War: Blackwater, Monsanto, and Bill Gate

According to him, the major aim of the insurgency was to capture the food security of Nigeria and control Africa’s largest nation by population and economy, adding that this could only be possible by fighting to displace the indigenous farmers in the country and replace them with Genetically Modified Organisms, GMOs corporate farms in the North East food basket region of Nigeria.boko

Njemanze, revealed that the name Boko Haram was only used as a cover-up in the terrorism attacks, saying that the actual perpetrators were hired assassins and mercenaries by the Blackwater (also called Xe-Service, and now Academi) private army owned by Gates and Mosanto.

He disclosed that Blackwater which was purchased in 2009, “began the recruitment of former child soldiers from Liberia and Sierra-Leone of what remained of Charles Taylor’s army in Liberia” and trained them in Ougadougou in Burkina Faso despite the ban of the company by President Johnson-Sirleaf of Liberia.
The GPA chief added that the Liberians and Sierra-Leoneans were brought to Nigeria as ECOMOG boys to fight as Boko Haram.

He stated that the assignment of the insurgents was to displace the farmers in the North East and create fall in the agricultural production of the country as well as to compel the federal government to adopt large farms that grow Bill Gates /Monsanto GMOs crops to feed the nation.
With this strategy, he said that such staple food as rice, cassava, maize, sorghum, millet would be replaced by Gates/Monsanto variants, thereby effectively surrendering the food security for the over 170 million Nigerians to them.
“The volume production of these GMOs crops will come at lower prices than that of the organic food grown elsewhere in Nigeria and they will price out of the market the conventional organic foods, leaving the Bill Gates/Monsanto crops the dominant crops for food in Nigeria”.

Njemanze also raised an alarm about the high technology approaches used by Gates in executing the terrorism plan.
According to him, Gates’ recent interview in Daily Trust where he said he was quoted to have said “Bill Gates Foundation was carrying out satellite Remote Sensing of the North East area to study migration patterns of people” clearly supported the assertion of Global Prolife Alliance, adding that what that statement meant was that the Satellite images against the Nigerian law were being used as espionage in the state of emergency to identify military installations and how to evade and attack them.

He also attacked the electronic wallets (cell phones) given to farmers by Bill Gates through the federal ministry of agriculture to provide the farmers with agro-credits for fertilizer and GMO crops, describing it as wallets of death.
According to him, the offer was made and accepted in total disregard of the evidence presented by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that GMOs does not increase crop yields, but rather may lead to decrease in overall crop production, damage to fertile grounds and dangerous health risks were still being uncovered including cancers and other debilitating diseases.

With the cell phones which have Global Positioning System (GPS) device, he continued, the position of every farmer would be known to the Boko Haram insurgents, who he said use satellite images to know the location of the Joint Task Force (JTF) and then using the cell phones to track down the farmers.

The group called on the federal government of Nigeria to investigate Bill Gates activities in Nigeria and not to sweep the allegations under the carpets because according to Njemanze, the group had very strong evidence to support its claims.

IPOB asks Trump to do spiritual cleansing in White house, try Obama at ICC On November 14, 20167:19
By Chimaobi Nwaiwu.

The Indigenous Peoples of Biafra, IPOB, has advised the US President- elect, Donald Trump to ensure he embarked on spiritual cleansing of the oval office at the White House before moving into it after his swearing in on January 20. 2017. IPOB's Nnamdi Kanu and U.S President-elect Donald J. Trump IPOB’s Nnamdi Kanu and U.S President-elect Donald J. Trump IPOB worldwide in a statement titled “Trump please cleanse White House before parking in if you want to succeed” said “we are giving that as an advice to the US President elect Mr.Trump because it has become very necessary because of the romance of the current occupant of the American seat of power with the Islamisation agenda around the world”. IPOB’s statement which was signed by its Media and Publicity Secretary, Mr Emma Powerful, also expressed displeasure that “the incumbent President Obama chose to depart from the core values of America, a country founded on God to pursue the total islamisation agenda against the Christian communities and against the wish of Americans.” the statement read thus: “We the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra want to advise American President-elect , Donald Trump to first bring powerful men of God to cleanse the White House before parking in if he wants to succeed and make sure his government bring back the face of God Almighty to America again. “He should rededicate America to God Almighty if he truly wants to make America great again. Obama administration has defiled White House. God is unhappy with the US because Obama has forsaken the godly principles of the founding fathers of America who preached for the face of God Almighty in everything America does. Even America wrote: IN GOD WE TRUST in their currency and other important things in America. That is a sign to prove that America is a God’s own nation.” “We will not be surprised if he (Obama) may have dedicated White House to strange gods. This is why God rejected him and his candidate, Hillary Clinton because God wants to restore the lost glory of America.” IPOB also urged Trump “to bring Obama to the International Criminal Court at the Hague ( ICC) to face criminal charges for keeping silence over mass killings of innocent and unarmed freedom fighters in different parts of the world, particularly the peaceful Biafran agitators.” “Obama should be made to face criminal charges for refusing to stop the mass killing of Biafran agitators by security agents in Nigeria under the watch of his friend President Muhammadu Buhari.” “Obama should be made to account for the thousands of Biafran agitators massacred by security agents in Nigeria because he refused to condemn the atrocities and excesses of the oppressors across the globe.” “Obama is fully aware of the daily killings and raids of Southern communities in Nigeria by Fulani herdsmen but never for one day condemned the atrocities because he has soft spot for Muslims. Men and women including children were slaughtered like cows by the rampaging herdsmen disguised as cattle rearers yet Obama never frowned at them. They ripped open the bellies of pregnant women killing both the mother and baby, yet Obama never condemned them because the perpetrators are Muslims.” “Barack Obama reluctantly branded Boko Haram as terror organisation after they had massacred thousands of innocent souls, mostly Christians and Southerners in Nigeria. Islamic fundamentalists burn down churches and behead Christians without provocation yet Obama has never condemned their evil or pressurized his friend Buhari, the president of Nigeria, to call them to order.” IPOB however, thanked Trump on the necessary move he made to stop the arm deal business between Brazilian government and Nigerian government, saying that “the arm deal business was to use it to kill unarmed IPOB and Biafrans who were doing peaceful protest against the illegal detention of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and other Biafrians detained illegally in all the prisons and security cells across the country.” “America has a divine mandate of being the police of the whole world but Obama abandoned this and pursued an unholy agenda. For this negligence of duty and conspiracy of silence, Obama should be made to answer for his in-actions at ICC.” “IPOB dismissed those protesting Trump’s emergence as brainwashed and Islamised Americans and paid citizens of Americans who have lost understanding of the times and the grand plot of the Islamic world to gain control of America through Obama and Clinton.”

Read more at:

IPOB asks Trump to do spiritual cleansing in White house, try Obama at ICC - Vanguard News

IPOB asks Trump to do spiritual cleansing in White house, try Obama at ICC - Vanguard News

Nnewi - The Indigenous Peoples of Biafra, IPOB, has advised the US President- elect, Donald Trump to ensure he embarked on spiritual cleansing of the oval office at the White House before moving into it after his swearing in on January 20. 2017.

100 Killled, More than 40 Corpses In Kano Morgue As Nigerian Govt. Attacks Shia Muslims Embarking on #ArbaeenTrekNigeria
Africa, Headlines, Religion
By NewsRescue
November 14, 2016

Security agents of the Nigerian government have began a clampdown on religious activities of Shia Muslims firing tear gas and shots at walking faithfuls embarking on their annual Arbaeen trek from Kano to Zaria.

As many as one hundred are reported killed. Forty corpses were counted at the Kano Mal Aminu Hospital mortuary as scores were killed and injured so far. The police are also reported to be carting away dead bodies, possibly for secret mass burial as is commonly done by the Nigerian government.

The Buhari government has proscribed Shia Islam in the country with a population of over 9 million Shias. Buhari has also detained IMN leader Zakzaky and his wife for almost a year without trial thus showing an official government policy to repress the minority Muslims in Nigeria.

Nigeria's president Muhammadu Buhari stands with Izala leader Bala Lau, April 2015

Well armed police men in close to a hundred police trucks today 14/11/16, opened fire on the peaceful Arbaeen trek to Zaria in the outskirts of Kano metropolis, killing close to a hundred members of the Islamic movement (IMN) including women and children. The exact number of those killed or maimed by police bullets is still being ascertained since most of the corpses were again ferried away by the police (possibly for mass burial).

The trek had started like in previous years solemnly, orderly and peacefully without hitches. Shortly after, a contingent of armed policemen appeared and started firing teargas on the trekkers without provocations. Because of the massive turnout, the trek continued and when IMN members reached a neighborhood called Kwanar Dawaki, about five Kilometers from Kano, police opened fire on the trekkers with live ammunition.
Buhari with Wahhabi agents of terror-linked Muslim World League

Buhari with Wahhabi agents of terror-linked Muslim World League. Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulmohsen Al-Turki on left

The firing by the police was randomly carried out that they also hit their colleague, and we are not unmindful of possibility they would claim we did it, similar to what they did in Zaria. Their antecedent and evil schemes are glaring. Already they have engaged the services of unscrupulous paid agents to push down the throats of the public that it was “clash” or even “exchange of fire” through falsified news reports. What vindicates us however is the very peaceful conduct of previous and present treks.

The World bears witness to our peaceful conduct in the face of persecution. No one can simply attribute violence to us overnight. We learnt of the attack as it was being plotted and we exposed it much earlier. That the security forces brazenly executed it in broad daylight only further exposes who actually are the assailants. IMN is left bewildered as to why it is now criminal for some people to choose to trek to a certain town of their wish on foot, while not impeding the smooth flow of traffic along the highway. We view the unwarranted killings by the police as continuation

Read more:

100 Killled, More than 40 Corpses In Kano Morgue As Nigerian Govt. Attacks Shia Muslims Embarking on

100 Killled, More than 40 Corpses In Kano Morgue As Nigerian Govt. Attacks Shia Muslims Embarking on

NewsRescue Updated Security agents of the Nigerian government have began a clampdown on religious activities of Shia Muslims firing tear gas and shots at walking faithfuls embarking on their annual Arbaeen trek from Kano to Zaria. As many as one hund

Donald Trump signifies he will end US support for Syrian rebels despite their pleas to him for help

President-elect appears to reiterate his position that an alliance with Syrian and Russian governments to defeat Isis is his preferred way forward in the Syrian conflict

Bethan McKernan Beirut
Saturday 12 November 2016

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his Iranian and Russian allies have welcomed the news Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States Reuters

President-elect Donald Trump has reaffirmed his campaign trail position that assisting the Syrian government in fighting Isis should be the US’ main objective in Syria, despite appeals from rebels for continued help in their fight against President Bashar al-Assad.

“I’ve had an opposite view of many people regarding Syria. My attitude was you’re fighting Syria, Syria is fighting Isis, and you have to get rid of Isis,” he said in a wide-ranging interview with the Wall Street Journal on Friday.

Mr Trump has stated that while he “did not like [Mr Assad] at all”, shoring up his regime is the best way to stem the extremism that has flourished in the chaos of the civil war and threatens the US.
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Israel ‘determined' to stop any Iranian military presence in Syria
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad ‘ready to co-operate with Trump’
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The tales of bodies and blood that surround a front line in Syria
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He has also been emphatic about mending ties with Russia, Syria’s long-standing ally and military backer in the conflict.

“Russia is now totally aligned with Syria, and now you have Iran, which is becoming powerful, because of us, is aligned with Syria… Now we’re backing rebels against Syria, and we have no idea who those people are,” he told the Journal, referring to the hardline Sunni Islamist elements present in rebel ranks. If the US attacks Mr Assad, “We end up fighting Russia,” he added.

Mr Trump’s shock victory in the US election this week was welcomed by Moscow and Tehran, as well as Damascus, where aides to Mr Assad were cautiously optimistic in interviews on Thursday. The president is “ready” to cooperate with Mr Trump going forward, they said.

Drone footage of Aleppo

To date the US has tacitly supported rebels in Syria both logistically and financially, along with Turkey and Gulf allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The long-standing US position has been that Mr Assad must be removed from power and democratic elections take place to end the complex and multisided conflict, now in its sixth year.

Mr Assad's military strategy - including air strikes targeting civilian infrastructure, siege tactics and alleged use of chemical weapons - has been responsible for far more civilian deaths since 2011 than rebel groups or Isis militants, analysts and monitors say.

Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton had proposed a no-fly-zone over Syria, a position rebels had been hopeful could stem the aerial attacks that have turned the tide of the war in Mr Assad’s favour since Russia began lending the Syrian government military support in September 2015.
After Mr Trump’s victory this week, the main Syrian opposition group the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) reached out to his staff asking him to protect civilians.

President Anas Al-Abdah said the SNC had sent Mr Trump its congratulations and was in touch about a “comprehensive new approach” to Syria.

The US must “establish peace in our region and to find fair and swift solutions for the threat of terrorism... especially the state terrorism practiced by the Syrian regime against the Syrian people,” Riad Hijab, head of the opposition High Negotiations Committee, said in a statement on Wednesday.

Other rebels on the ground were less enthusiastic, predicting more bloodshed no matter what Mr Trump’s policy ultimately ends up being on a war which has killed more than 400,000 people to date and driven half the Syrian population from their homes.

“I guess most Syrians are reacting in a similar way today, trying to hide their disappointment by making [jokes],” said Wissam Zarqa, a rebel media activist in besieged east Aleppo.

“We live in hope... but the only bright side to this is that we will not live on false promises now,” he added, referring to the international community’s inability to stop Russian air strikes on the area’s 250,000 trapped civilians.

“With [US President] Obama, we had enough of his false promises and fake red lines.”

Abu Hamed, head of the military council of rebel group Liwa al-Haq Brigade, was similarly dismissive. “The Americans were never honest with us,” he said, speaking from Hama. “They left us in a quagmire that drowned the Syrians... everyone is trading with our blood and suffering.”

EXCLUSIVE: Igbo senators to visit Nnamdi Kanu at Kuje prison
by Jerrywright Ukwu Yesterday

Senators from the South east have resolved to stick out their neck for their people – The senators will make an attempt to engage detained Radio Biafra director, Nnamdi Kanu – This is part of their resolve after meeting President Muhammadu Buhari has gathered from reliable sources in the Senate that South east senators have resolved to visit detained Radio Biafra director, Nnamdi Kanu in prison. Kanu, 46, is currently being detained at the famous Kuje prison, located in the suburbs of Nigeria’s capital city, Abuja.

EXCLUSIVE: Igbo senators to visit Nnamdi Kanu at Kuje prison ▷ NAIJ.COM

EXCLUSIVE: Igbo senators to visit Nnamdi Kanu at Kuje prison ▷ NAIJ.COM News ☛ Nnamdi Kanu is a key member of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra, a group insisting on the sovereignty of Biafra as an independent country.

Meet the Jews in Donald Trump’s inner circle
A look at the president-elect’s advisers and their possible roles in his incoming administration
By Josefin Dolsten November 15, 2016, 2:15 am

Ivanka Trump, Jason Greenblatt, Boris Epshteyn and Steven Mnuchin (Trump photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images; Greenblatt photo: Uriel Heilman; Epshteyn photo: Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images for SiriusXM; Mnuchin photo: Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images for City Harvest)

Donald Trump
2016 US presidential elections
Jared Kushner

JTA — President-elect Donald Trump has a complicated history with Jews. On the one hand, his daughter Ivanka converted to Orthodox Judaism before marrying Jared Kushner, and he’s spoken fondly about having Jewish grandchildren.

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On the other, some of Trump’s supporters have links to the anti-Semitic far right movement known as alt-right, and he’s a favorite of prominent white supremacist David Duke. On Sunday, Trump appointed Stephen Bannon — the former chairman of Breitbart News, a site with ties to the alt-right — as his chief strategist in a move that sparked swift criticism from the Anti-Defamation League.

Still, Trump’s cadre of advisers is not short on Jews. While the real estate magnate and former reality TV star may not officially appoint family members to his Cabinet because of federal anti-nepotism regulations, here’s a look at his Jewish advisers, their views and possible roles in his administration.

Jason Greenblatt
Jason Dov Greenblatt, Donald Trump's top real estate lawyer and an Orthodox Jew, is one of three members on the Republican nominee's Israel Advisory Committee. (JTA/Uriel Heilman)

Jason Dov Greenblatt, Donald Trump’s top real estate lawyer and an Orthodox Jew, is one of three members on the Republican nominee’s Israel Advisory Committee. (JTA/Uriel Heilman)

Greenblatt has worked as a real-estate lawyer for Trump for 19 years, and he is one of two Jewish lawyers whom Trump has said he would appoint as his Israel advisers. An Orthodox Jew and Yeshiva University graduate, Greenblatt studied at a West Bank yeshiva in the mid-1980s and even did armed guard duty there.

The father of six from Teaneck, New Jersey, does not have any political experience. Greenblatt has said he speaks with people involved in the Israeli government but has not spoken to any Palestinians since his yeshiva studies. He has cited the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as one of his main sources for staying informed about the Jewish state, and helped draft Trump’s speech at the lobbying group’s annual conference in March.

Greenblatt, who has said he supports the two-state solution, has implied that Trump will take a more laissez-faire approach to peace building.

“He is not going to impose any solution on Israel,” Greenblatt told Israel’s Army Radio last week. He also said that Trump “does not view Jewish settlements as an obstacle to peace.”

David Friedman
David Friedman, Donald Trump's adviser on Israel, speaking to reporters at a pro-Trump event in Jerusalem, October 26, 2016. (Raphael Ahren/Times of Israel)

David Friedman, Donald Trump’s adviser on Israel, speaking to reporters at a pro-Trump event in Jerusalem, October 26, 2016. (Raphael Ahren/Times of Israel)

Alongside Greenblatt, Trump named Friedman, 57, as an Israel adviser. Friedman, a bankruptcy expert and partner at the Kasowitz law firm in New York, is the president-elect’s longtime attorney. The son of a Conservative rabbi with a family history of ties to Republican presidential candidates — his family hosted Ronald Reagan for a Shabbat lunch in 1984, the year he won re-election — Friedman lives in Woodmere, New York, and owns a house in Jerusalem’s Talbiyeh neighborhood, according to Haaretz.

Friedman has expressed doubt about the future of the two-state solution, traditionally a pillar of bipartisan U.S. policy in the region. Prior to the Republican Party passing a platform that omitted references to the two-state solution, he said it might be time for the party to reject the concept.

“The two-state solution might be one answer, but I don’t think it’s the only answer anymore,” he said in July.

Friedman has also said that annexing the West Bank would not damage Israel’s status as a Jewish state.

Jared Kushner
Jared Kushner speaking at the Bloomberg Commercial Real Estate conference in New York, November 9, 2011. (Peter Foley/Bloomberg/Getty Images)

Jared Kushner speaking at the Bloomberg Commercial Real Estate conference in New York, November 9, 2011. (Peter Foley/Bloomberg/Getty Images)

Kushner — the 35-year-old scion of one of New York’s most prominent real estate families and, since 2009, the husband of Trump’s daughter Ivanka — played a crucial role in the president-elect’s campaign, especially with regards to Israel. He worked on Trump’s speech to the AIPAC annual policy conference that earned Trump a standing ovation, and helped plan a trip to Israel for his father-in-law last year. (Trump canceled the trip after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed his call to ban Muslim immigration to the United States.)

Trump appears to be smitten with Kushner, often referring to his “fantastic” son-in-law when boasting of his pro-Israel credentials. Kushner, an Orthodox Jew who lives with his wife and their three children on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, may have become a household name during the campaign, but he’s no stranger to the limelight. In 2006, at 25, he bought the Observer newspaper. Two years later he became CEO of his father’s company, Kushner Properties, four years after his father was sent to jail for tax evasion, illegal campaign donations and witness tampering. In 2015, Fortune named Kushner to its 40 Under 40 list, its “annual ranking of the most influential young people in business.”

Ivanka Trump
Ivanka Trump walks through the lobby of Trump Tower in New York City on November 11, 2016. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images/AFP)

Ivanka Trump walks through the lobby of Trump Tower in New York City on November 11, 2016. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images/AFP)

Trump’s daughter Ivanka, 35, who converted to Orthodox Judaism, has served as the polished, softer face of her father’s campaign. A successful businesswoman whose brand is centered around empowering working women, she stood by him when recordings were released that caught the president-elect bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Ivanka has reportedly tried — not always successfully — to have her father tone down or walk back some of his most inflammatory remarks, including having called Mexican immigrants rapists, according to New York magazine.

She is the founder of the Ivanka Trump Collection, a fashion and lifestyle brand, and serves as executive vice president of development and acquisitions for the Trump Organization, her father’s company. Ivanka, who gave birth to her third child in March, belongs to the Upper East Side Orthodox synagogue Kehilath Jeshurun with Kushner and has described her family as “pretty observant.” She made Fortune’s 40 Under 40 list in 2014, a year before her husband did.

Boris Epshteyn
Boris Epshteyn attending SiriusXM’s “White in America” special at SiriusXM Studios in New York City, June 30, 2015. (Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images for SiriusXM)

Boris Epshteyn attending SiriusXM’s “White in America” special at SiriusXM Studios in New York City, June 30, 2015. (Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images for SiriusXM)

Epshteyn, 34, is a Republican political strategist and staunch defender of Trump who has appeared as the president-elect’s surrogate on major TV networks over 100 times, The New York Times reported.

A New York-based investment banker and finance attorney, Epshteyn worked as a communications aide for Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign in 2008, focusing his efforts on the Arizona senator’s running mate, then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, whom Trump is reportedly considering for interior secretary, according to Politico.

Epshteyn, a Moscow native, moved to the United States in 1993. A fluent Russian speaker who has moderated a panel encouraging investment in Moscow, he may serve as an asset for Trump in navigating relations with Russia — Trump has expressed his desire to improve ties with President Vladimir Putin.

Then again, Epshteyn’s temper may make him less of an asset to Trump. TV hosts described him as “very combative” and “abrasive,” and in 2014, Epshteyn was charged with misdemeanor assault after he was involved in a bar tussle. The charge was dropped after Epshteyn agreed to undergo anger management training and perform community service.

Stephen Miller
Stephen Miller in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York City, Nov. 11, 2016. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Miller, 30, has played a crucial role in Trump’s campaign, helping to warm up crowds at rallies and drafting speeches, including the president-elect’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.

Miller, who has described himself as “a practicing Jew,” joined the Trump campaign in January, quickly rising through the ranks to become “one of the most important people in the campaign,” as Trump’s campaign manager told The Wall Street Journal. Previously he worked for seven years as an aide to Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., helping the lawmaker draft materials to kill a bipartisan Senate immigration reform bill. Some of Sessions’ arguments contain similarities to Trump’s harsh and often controversial statements on the issue, such as calling for building a wall on the Mexican border and banning Muslim immigration to the country.

Though Miller grew up in a liberal Jewish home in Southern California, he was drawn to conservative causes early. As a high school student he wrote a letter to the editor of a local paper in which he slammed his school for providing free condoms to students and for making announcements both in English and Spanish, among other things.

Steven Mnuchin
Steven Mnuchin speaking at City Harvest: An Event Of Practical Magic in New York City, April 24, 2014. (Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images for City Harvest)

Steven Mnuchin speaking at City Harvest: An Event Of Practical Magic in New York City, April 24, 2014. (Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images for City Harvest)

Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs executive, worked as Trump’s national finance chairman during the campaign with the aim of raising more than $1 billion for the candidate.

Trump and Mnuchin have been friends for 15 years, and prior to being in charge of Trump’s campaign finances, Mnuchin served as an adviser. Part of what The New York Times describes as one of Manhattan’s elite “most influential families,” Mnuchin and his father both got rich working at Goldman Sachs. The younger Mnuchin also co-founded the entertainment company RatPac-Dune Entertainment, which has worked on such Hollywood hits as “Avatar” and “Black Swan.”

Some saw Trump teaming up with Mnuchin as unusual, considering that the real-estate mogul had consistently bashed Goldman Sachs. But it didn’t seem to get in the way of a good working relationship — Trump is now reportedly considering Mnuchin for the position of Treasury secretary, according to Politico.

Eisenberg, the private equity chief for Granite Capital International Group, serves as finance chairman for the Republican National Committee. He was one of a small group of Republican Jewish Coalition board members who did not flee from Trump’s candidacy, and was a major contributor to groups backing Trump’s election — only nine of 55 RJC board members gave to Trump. Alongside Mnuchin, he worked to raise funds for the candidate.

Eisenberg grew up in New Jersey, the Forward reported, and he has been floated as a possible pick for commerce secretary in the Trump administration. He was the chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey at the time of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

Eisenberg told JTA that he was “extremely enthusiastic” about a Trump presidency, calling him “a strong advocate for Israel, a strong advocate for justice and order.”

Glassner was not new to Republican presidential campaigns when Trump appointed him last year to serve as his national political director. He worked as director of vice presidential operations for McCain’s 2008 campaign and ran Geogre W. Bush’s campaign in Iowa in 2000. He has also worked with Palin and Sen. Bob Dole, a former presidential candidate.

Like many of Trump’s Jewish advisers, Glassner is outspoken in his support of Israel. Prior to joining the Trump campaign, he worked as the political director for AIPAC’s Southwest Regional. Glassner has praised the anti-establishment movement, and he told Jewish Insider that his experience with Palin and the fact that he lives in New Jersey, not Washington, D.C., made him a good fit for Trump’s political outsider message. He also served as a senior adviser to Eisenberg when he was the Port Authority chairman.

Donald Trump: I will 'recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel'
Alana Wise, Reuters

Sep. 25, 2016, 3:11 PM 11,536

donald trump Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Florida. Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Sunday told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that if elected, the United States would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the campaign said, marking a potential dramatic shift in U.S. policy on the issue.

Israel Map

During the meeting that lasted more than an hour at Trump Tower in New York, Trump told Netanyahu that under his administration, the United States would "recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel."

While Israel calls Jerusalem its capital, few other countries accept that, including the United States. Most nations maintain embassies in Tel Aviv.

Palestinians want East Jerusalem, captured by Israel in a 1967 war, as capital of the state they aim to establish alongside Israel in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

During the closed-door meeting, the campaign said that Trump agreed with Netanyahu that peace in the Middle East could only be achieved when "the Palestinians renounce hatred and violence and accept Israel as a Jewish State."

According to a readout of the meeting from the campaign, the two discussed "at length" Israel's border fence, cited by Trump in reference to his own controversial immigration policies, which include building a wall on the U.S.- Mexico border and temporarily banning Muslims from entering the country.

Other regional issues, including the fight against Islamic State, U.S. military assistance to Israel — "an excellent investment" — and the Iran nuclear deal, which both parties have criticized, were also discussed.

BREAKING NEWS: Ex-President of Ghana, John Agyekum Kufuor Dies At 78 In South Africa

The former President of the Republic of Ghana, John Kofi Agyekum Kufuor is reported dead in Johannesburg, South Africa this morning following surgical operation on his spine.

It is reported by Reuters that Mr Agyekum Kufuor was flown to South Africa to receive medication after complaining bitterly about an excruciating pain at the spinal cord.

A team of Joburg doctors were said to have conducted a second surgical operation on Mr Kufuor’s spine; but unfortunately he passed away just after 45 minutes of the Surgery.

Though it’s obvious to provisionally attribute his sudden demise to the spinal problem, doctors have assured the public they will soon release autopsy report to ascertain the real cause.

An autopsy will fully confirm the cause of his death, but the best guess at the moment is the spinal problem.

Today is a sad day, Mr Kufuor’s death has come as a big shock to his party members and the entire Ghanaian Community, as Ghana is just on the verge of undergoing electoral exercises.

John Kofi Agyekum Kufuor born 8 December 1938 was a retired Ghanaian politician and statesman who served as President of Ghana from 2001 to 2009.

He was also Chairperson of the African Union from 2007 to 2008.

His victory over John Atta Mills after the end of Jerry Rawlings’ second term marked the first peaceful democratic transition of power in Ghana since independence in 1957.

Kufuor’s career has been spent on the liberal-democratic side of Ghanaian politics, in the parties descended from the United Gold Coast Convention and the United Party.

He was a minister in Kofi Abrefa Busia’s Progress Party government during Ghana’s Second Republic, and a Popular Front Party opposition frontbencher during the Third Republic.

In the Fourth Republic he stood as the New Patriotic Party’s candidate at the 1996 election, and then led it to victory in 2000 and 2004.

Having served two terms, in 2008 he was no longer eligible for the presidency.

An Asante, Kufuor married Theresa Kufuor (née Mensah) in 1962; they had five children together.

Kufuor and his family belong to the Roman Catholic Church.

He was born in Kumasi and educated at Osei Tutu Boys college (1951–53), Prempeh College (1954–58), Lincoln’s Inn, London (1959–1961) and Exeter College, University of Oxford (1961–64).

In the Second Republic’s Parliamentary Register Kufuor lists as his hobbies and interests table tennis, reading, football, and film shows.

He was once the Chairman of Kumasi Asante Kotoko Football Club.

May his soul rest in perfect peace

Russia to Help Palestine Become Independent State – Putin

© Sputnik/ Aleksey Nikolskyi Politics 13:34 28.03.2015(updated 14:47 29.03.2015) Get short URL 2510068431559 Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his address to the

Arab League summit participants that Russia will continue contributing to the attainment of Palestine’s independence. Mahmoud Abbas gives a speech during the inauguration of the Embassy of The State Of Palestine in central Stockholm, Sweden, Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015 Palestinians Open First Embassy in Western Europe MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russia will help Palestine in achieving its goal of becoming an independent state with the capital in East Jerusalem, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday in his address to the Arab League summit participants. “Russia will continue contributing to the attainment of this goal [Palestine’s independence], working through bilateral channels and through multilateral channels, including in the ‘Quartet’ of international mediators,” Putin said. The Quartet comprising Russia, the United States, the United Nations and the European Union, was established in 2002, aiming to reach a long-term peace agreement between Israel and Palestinians. Palestinian Hamas masked gunmen display their military skills during a rally to commemorate the 27th anniversary of the Hamas militant group, in Gaza City, Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014 . Israel Supported Hamas to Divide Palestine's Resistance - Assange The Russian president stressed on Saturday the need for closer cooperation between the Quartet and the Arab League, and highlighted Moscow’s readiness to cooperate with the league further. Palestinians seek the creation of an independent state on the territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, partially occupied by Israel, as well as on the Gaza Strip. Palestinians have designated Jerusalem as its capital and called on Israel to withdraw from the Palestinian territories it took after the 1967 war.

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Widgets Magazine

Widgets Magazine

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his address to the Arab League summit participants that Russia will continue contributing to the attainment of Palestine’s independence.