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Nigeria Full Gist - NFG
20 October at 16:56 ·


1. Matthew
Suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia, Killed by a sword wound.

2. Mark
Died in Alexandria, Egypt , after being dragged by Horses through the streets until he was dead.

3. Luke
Was hanged in Greece as a result of his tremendous Preaching to the lost.

4. John
Faced martyrdom when he was boiled in huge Basin of boiling oil during a wave of persecution In Rome. However, he was miraculously delivered From death.
John was then sentenced to the mines on the prison Island of Patmos. He wrote his prophetic Book of Revelation on Patmos . The apostle John was later freed and returned to serve As Bishop of Edessa in modern Turkey . He died as an old man, the only apostle to die peacefully

5. Peter
He was crucified upside down on an x-shaped cross.
According to church tradition it was because he told his tormentors that he felt unworthy to die In the same way that Jesus Christ had died.

6. James
The leader of the church in Jerusalem , was thrown over a hundred feet down from the southeast pinnacle of the Temple when he refused to deny his faith in Christ. When they discovered that he survived the fall, his
enemies beat James to death with a fuller's club.
* This was the same pinnacle where Satan had taken Jesus during the Temptation.

7. James the Son of Zebedee,
was a fisherman by trade when Jesus Called him to a lifetime of ministry. As a strong leader of the church, James was beheaded at Jerusalem. The Roman officer who guarded James watched amazed as James defended his faith at his trial. Later, the officer Walked beside James to the place of execution. Overcome by conviction, he declared his new faith to the judge and Knelt beside James to accept beheading as a Christian.

8. Bartholomew
Also known as Nathaniel Was a missionary to Asia. He witnessed for our Lord in present day Turkey. Bartholomew was martyred for his preaching in Armenia where he was flayed to death by a whip.

9. Andrew
Was crucified on an x-shaped cross in Patras, Greece. After being whipped severely by seven soldiers they tied his body to the cross with cords to prolong his agony. His followers reported that, when he was led toward the cross, Andrew saluted it in these words: 'I have long desired and expected this happy hour. The cross has been consecrated by the body of Christ hanging on it.' He continued to preach to his tormentors For two days until he expired.

10. Thomas
Was stabbed with a spear in India during one of his missionary trips to establish the church in the Sub-continent.

11. Jude
Was killed with arrows when he refused to deny his faith in Christ.

12. Matthias
The apostle chosen to replace the traitor Judas Iscariot, was stoned and then beheaded.

13. Paul
Was tortured and then beheaded by the evil Emperor Nero at Rome in A.D. 67. Paul endured a lengthy imprisonment, which allowed him to write his many
epistles to the churches he had formed throughout the Roman Empire. These letters, which taught many of the foundational Doctrines of Christianity, form a large portion of the New Testament.

Perhaps this is a reminder to us that our sufferings here are indeed minor compared to the intense persecution and cold cruelty faced by the apostles and disciples during their times For the sake of the Faith. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: But he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

But How many of them who claim to be pastors today will accept to die this way, they are afraid of death they move around with bodyguards

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If I were Buhari I will be suspicious of anyone who advises me to ignore Biafra – Soludo
On October 13, Vanguardnews


07:38 - 1 Comments


Nigeria government is dancing a tune of madness which will soon lead them to destruction.

Disobedience to court orders, is totally an affront to the constitution of Nigeria and other relevant constitutions of the world, such as the U.N Charter, ECOWAS COURT among others.

President Muhammadu Buhari needs to make a U-turn and reverse his decisions by respecting court order that previously ordered for the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the Leader of the Indigeneous People of Biafra.

Buhari and his cohorts has no evidence to prove that Nnamdi kanu is guilty of the allegations they leveld against him.

All these intimidation of the judiciary, court delays: adjournments, mask-witness trial is an operational plan and tactis to cook up fake stories, manipulate fake witnesses who will testify falsely against Nnamdi Kanu. However it should be noted that all the move shall be strongly resisted by all concerns citizens of Nigeria, IPOB and the world atlarge.

With all these court violations and clamp down on the judiciary, Nigeria under the watch of Buhari shall soon pay dearly because the consciousness of the world has been triggered on what is happening in the country.

The impartial ECOWAS COURT shall soon deliver its judgement without fear or in favor as the court has vowed to pass its final judgement on November 8, 2016, even without the legal team of the Nigerian government who tasted defeat at the first court hearing and took to their heel, refuses to appear in court as usual.

Edited by Paul Ihechi Alagba
For Family Writers
Source:Biafra Telegraph

Trump slams UN for disgraceful resolution denying Jewish connection to Jerusalem vows to protect Israel

02:36 - 0 Comments
Trump slams UN for disgraceful resolution denying Jewish connection to Jerusalem vows to protect Israel

Published by Family Writers

Trump issued a strong statement slamming the UN for passing a disgraceful pro-Palestinian resolution rejecting the historic Jewish connection to Jerusalem.

U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump condemned the absurd UNESCO resolution passed Thursday that denies the historic Jewish connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Western Wall and other holy sites.

The resolution, initiated by the Palestinians, states that the Temple Mount – Judaism’s holiest site, where the First and Second Holy Temples stood – is holy to Muslims only. It was passed by a majority of 24 to 6, with 16 abstentions. The U.S. voted against it.

“I have said on numerous occasions that in a Trump Administration, the United States will recognize Jerusalem as the one true capital of Israel,” the Republican leader posted on Facebook. “The United Nations’ attempt to disconnect the State of Israel from Jerusalem is a one-sided attempt to ignore Israel’s 3,000-year bond to its capital city, and is further evidence of the enormous anti-Israel bias of the UN.”

“Jerusalem is the enduring capital of the Jewish People and the overwhelming majority of Congress has voted to recognize Jerusalem as just that,” he stated.

“Further, the decision by the Obama Administration to strike the word ‘Israel’ after the word ‘Jerusalem’ in the President’s prepared text was a capitulation to Israel’s enemies, and a posthumous embarrassment to [former Israeli President] Shimon Peres, whose memory the President was attempting to honor. In a Trump Administration, Israel will have a true, loyal and lasting friend in the United States of America.”

He was referring to a transcript of Obama’s eulogy, released shortly after the recent funeral of Peres, which listed the location as “Jerusalem, Israel.” As Obama was flying home, the White House issued a corrected transcript, listing merely “Jerusalem” and with “Israel” crossed out with a line.

The White House, questioned on the incident, pointed to a statement reiterating official U.S. policy that Jerusalem’s status should be addressed in a way that respects both Israeli and Palestinian rights, AP reported.
“We believe that through good-faith direct negotiations, the parties should mutually agree on an outcome that realizes the aspirations of both parties for Jerusalem and safeguards its unique religious status for people around the world,” the statement said.

In January, Trump announced that, if elected, he would move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

According to a press release from the Trump campaign following the candidate’s meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last month in New York, Trump “acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish People for over 3000 years, and that the US, under a Trump administration, will finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.”

Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton issued no statement on the UNESCO decision, however, her foreign policy adviser, Laura Rosenberger, condemned the resolution, saying, “It’s outrageous that UNESCO would deny the deep, historic connection between Judaism and the Temple Mount.”

SOURCE:Biafra Herald

23:37 - 0 Comments
"OGA IS NOT HAPPY": Nnamdi Kanu in danger as Nigerian judges reveals how Buhari intimidates and manipulates the judiciary
By Paul Ihechi Alagba
For Family Writers

Hopes of Nnamdi Kanu getting any form of justice from the Nigerian judiciary may have been trashed completely as embattled Senior judges of the Supreme Court and High Court of Nigeria makes shocking revelations on how President Muhammadu Buhari and key members of his cabinet influences judicial pronouncements and outcome of judgments, through mounting of intense pressures, and tip toeing to the homes of judges to offer bribes and launch executive threats where necessary, in desperation for a favourable judgemental outcome.

The two judges of the Supreme Court, Justice Inyang Okoro and Justice Sylvester Ngwuta, who have recently in their respective letters to the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Mahmud Mohammed, laid bay their deep dark secret encounters with several members of President Buhari's political party, the All Progressive Congress APC, which included some notable figures among Buhari Ministers such as the incumbent Transportation Minister, Mr. Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi and the Minister of Science and Technology, Mr. Ogbonnaya Onu.

The letters also revealed the despotic role played by SSS officials during the infamous crackdown on several judges in the country which lasted from Friday October 7, through Saturday October 8, 2016.
"The DSS operatives informed me that their Director-General wanted to see me that night.

“I requested to visit their office upon the break of the day, but they refused. In view of the presence of the heavily armed men, who accompanied them and who were pointing their gun at me from all angles, I had no choice than to follow them to their office that night.

“I was detained by them in their office till Sunday, 9th October, 2016 and upon your Lordship’s intervention that Sunday, they released me in the evening of that Sunday," Justice Inyang Okoro narrates the ordeal that surrounded his arrest and detention.

”My Lord, I strongly believe that this my travail is not unconnected with the verbal report I made to you on 1st February, 2016 about the visit to my official residence by HE, Rotimi Amaechi, former Governor of Rivers State and now Minister of Transportation.

“In that report, I told you My Lord, that Mr. Amaechi said that the President of Nigeria and the All Progressives Congress mandated him to inform me that they must win their election appeals in respect of Rivers State, Akwa Ibom State and Abia State at all costs.
“For Akwa Ibom State, he alleged that he sponsored Mr. Umana Umana, candidate of All Progressives Congress for that election and that if he lost Akwa Ibom appeal, he would have lost a fortune.

“Mr. Amaechi also said that he had already visited you and that you had agreed to make me a member of the panel that would hear the appeals.
“He further told me that Mr. Umana would be paying me millions of naira monthly if I co-operated with them. My response, as I told you on that date was that it does not lie within my power to grant his request and that I would do all within my power not to be in the panel for Akwa Ibom State. My Lord graciously left me out of the panel for Akwa Ibom State.

“That notwithstanding, the All Progressives Congress in Akwa Ibom State, which lost the appeal at the Supreme Court, believe that my presence in the Supreme Court made them to lose the appeal." Justice Okoro stated in his letter.

Similarly, barely three days after the outburst of Justin Okoro, another explosive letter from his colleague, Justice Sylvester Ngwuta to the CJN surfaced with astonishing revelations also indicting Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi and other APC Chieftains of desperate attempts to influence judicial proceedings, with the most notable remark being the alleged "OGA IS NOT HAPPY" statement credited to Amaechi, in which he defined President Buhari as the masterminder of the intended judicial conquest.

"They took me away in their vehicle but before they drove away they ordered my housemaid to get in and lock the house and not to ever come out or let anyone into the house. It was when I saw DSS in the premises into which they drove me that I realized my invaders were agents of a Federal Government Department. Prior to getting into the premises I thought that the invaders were even armed robbers or kidnappers, more so when I was not questioned by anyone about anything." the honourable Chief Justice stated.

Continuing he said- "Then I became much more disturbed not only for myself but for the future of this great Nation, Nigeria. I could not convince myself that any agency of the Federal Government, in a democratic setting, could for any undisclosed reason violate the rights of a Nigerian citizen, a Judicial Officer and Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, for that matter with such impunity. I thought that the democratic government had been overthrown and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) abolished or suspended."

"Then the next phase of the ordeal started. I was taken to a room where I met my learned brother, Hon. Justice John Inyang Okoro, JSC. He looked spent and so were other Judicial Officers both serving, sacked and retired. No one told me anything or asked me any question till late in the night when they drove from over one hour to a place they called villa. They took Justice Okoro and myself into a room that contained only a bed with a discarded, stained old mattress and both of us had to share it for the night. There was no towel, no soap and worst of all there was no toilet paper. We slept in our clothes, went under the tap and used our handkerchiefs in place of towels."

According to the judge, "My present plight started sometime between 2013 and 2014. I represented the then Chief Justice of Nigeria in an event organised in the International Conference Centre. Hon. Rotimi Amaechi came in late and sat next to me at the high table. He introduced himself to me and we exchanged contacts. A few weeks after, Fayose’s case was determined in the Court of Appeal. Amaechi called me by 6.45 am. He said he had come to see me but was told I had left for my office. When he said he would return in the evening, I demanded to know what he wanted but he would not tell me. He did not come that evening but came the following morning when I was already prepared to go to work. He begged me to ensure that Fayose’s election was set aside and another election ordered for his friend Fayemi to contest. I told him I would not help him and that even if I am on the panel I have only my one vote.

"After the Rivers State Governorship election was determined by the Court of Appeal, he called to tell me his ears were full and he would like to tell me what he heard. I told him I was out of Abuja at the time. On my return he came in the evening and even before he sat down he barked “You have seen Wike”. I asked him whether that was a question or a statement. Then he made a call and asked me to speak with someone. The man he called said he was a DSS man. We exchanged greetings and I handed the phone to him. Next, he said “Oga is not happy”. I asked him who is the unhappy “Oga” and he answered “Buhari”. I retorted “go and talk to his wife”. He got very angry, and left, remarking “we shall see” several times." Justice Ngwuta's letter revealed.

Meanwhile, Justice Adeniyi Ademola, a judge of the Federal High Court Abuja who was among the victims of the SSS crackdown highlighted in his own letter that his rulings in the case of IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu and former National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki are what has infuriated the Aso Rock Seat of Power, leading to his heart-rending predicament.

“From the time of my arrival at the DSS office, at about 6:45am on 8/10/2016, I was not told what my crime was for over 24 hours till the evening of 9/10/2016.

“A DSS officiall finally informed me that my arrest were based on these three allegations; petition of Hon. Jenkins Duvie dated 4th of April 2016 to the National Judicial Council (NJC); granting bail to Col. Sambo Dasuki and the unconditional release of Nnamdi Kanu; and using my office to secure my wife’s appointment as the head of civil service, through Senator Bola Tinubu”, Justice Ademola's letter read.

Meanwhile, Family Writers Intelligence has revealed that with President Buhari's relative, Hon. Justice Binta Nyako, now standing in replacement of Justice John Tsoho, as judge handling Nnamdi Kanu's trial, there is every possibilty that Mrs Nyako will follow the footstep of her predecessor, John Tsoho to please the terrifying Nigerian government, by ensuring that the legal team of Nnamdi Kanu are continuously frustrated and the Biafra leader sent to jail.

The intelligence report advised that there is need for Biafrans and Nnamdi Kanu's legal team to launch more vibrant international campaign and processes in order to put an end to the incarceration the Biafra leader by the Nigerian government, as it is now becoming indisputable that President Buhari's administration has instituted a devastating state-sponsored terrorism and tyranny against the Judiciary and their political enemies.

Source:Biafra Herald


00:13 - 0 Comments
By Nwafor Somtochukwu Aloysius
For Family Writers

The evidence that Nigeria is dead is glaring for all and sundry. Nigeria died in the year 2014 exactly 100 years of its creation (1914 - 2014) which marks the end of it's existence as envisaged by those who created it.
Buhari and his All Progressive Congress swept Nigeria into her grave, but refused to accept that she's dead. They refused to honour her by covering her grave and let those who gathered to morn her go their respective homes. The angry ghost of Nigeria is hunting and tormenting Buhari and APC members because they refused to pay her the last respect.

Buhari is showcasing the peak of ignorance by parading the name of Nigeria as a living country, which annoys the spirit and have risen in vengeance to destroy everything that will make people see or believe that Nigeria is alive.
Companies are forced to shut down, firms are folding, scores of workers are sacked on a daily basis, civil servants are not paid, hunger and starvation is now the order of the day in the country.
Few months ago, Nigeria lost her greatest title as the largest economy in Africa, she also lost her core value as the aviation hub in West Africa, Nigeria is in recession which no amount of economic policy will revive.

The ghost of Nigeria is racking havoc because, they refused to pay her the funeral rites which will peacefully let her rest. Scores of innocent people are dying on daily basis in IDP camps in northern part of the dead Nigeria. Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen are rampaging killing innocent people in their own blood and taking over their lands.
Lots of crisis are multiplying its numbers consecutively and seems to have defiles all possible solution.

In the southern part of the dead Nigeria, particularly the Niger Delta region, are busy bombing and destroying the oil facilities in their land because they are tired of answering the name of a dead country.

Looking at the situation of things now, one can simply conclude that Nigeria is in the days of doom. Calamity has befallen Nigerians; the unquenchable poisonous and musty odour of Nigeria has made it disgusting to the neighboring and international communities which would have assisted in getting Nigeria buried.

Nigeria will never let her inhabitants know peace, until it's carefully and peacefully buried.
Those who are strongly saying that Nigeria should be buried and forgotten forever, are being locked up, incarcerated and murdered on daily basis, not considering their innocence or the dangers that may metamorphose with time. The perceived enemies are witch- hunted, detained and even denied trial on most occasions.
The perceived enemies are witch- hunted, detained and even denied trial on most occasions.

The people, who are supposed to stand one the truth, are the ones peddling lies on daily basis in the name of working for the integrity of the dead Nigeria. The Judicial system who are supposed to change the phase of things in the assisting the dead country buried are compromised and are now in an unbreakable chain.

The earlier other African Nations rise against Buhari and APC government who believe that they are lords over Nigeria, the better for us. The fact remains that they are those held down by the name of the dead Nigeria. The faster Africa rise to intervene in the burial of Nigeria, the better for us all. Nigeria is dead and must be buried now to avoid more devastating disasters, befalling Africa. It is high time we called a spade a spade and stop pretending that it is a cutlass, for that is the greatest hypocrisy.

Buhari should peacefully bury Nigeria to stop further destructions to the image of Africa.
The evil Nigeria must be laid to rest now, never to be remembered forever for that will pave way for the emergence of the original owners of the land.

Edited by Ogbuanya Nnamdi Chikezie
For Family Writers

Source:Biafra Herald

As Buhari relegated his wife to the Kitchen, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala gets international appointment

02:19 - 0 Comments
As Buhari relegated his wife to the Kitchen, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala gets international appointment
Mrs Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Published by Family Writers

A former Nigerian Minister of Finance, Mrs Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, has been appointed a member of the international advisory panel of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AII.

She recently declared that she would not join the government of President Muhammadu Buhari, even if invited.

Mr Song Liyan, AIIB Senior Communication Officer, in a statement made available to newsmen on Friday, announced that Okonjo-Iweala would join 10 other key persons on the panel.

“The Panel provides impartial, objective and independent advice to the President, allowing the Bank to benefit from the international experience and expertise of panel members,” Liyan said.

He quoted AIIB President, Jin Liqun, as saying that the panel members would advise the bank on the development of its strategy.

“It is a great honour to convene such an experienced and diverse group of international leaders to advise on the development of the Bank’s strategy.

“have no doubt that the advice the panel provides will help shape the development of the Bank in the years ahead.

“I could not ask for a better group of ambassadors to help promote our new Bank to the world,” Jin said.

The panel members are former Bank Negara Malaysia governor Dr Zeti Aziz, former Pakistan Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, and former Swedish finance minister Anders Borg.

The others are former Timor-Leste finance minister Emilia Pires, former World Bank chief economist Nicholas Stern and former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, Global Foundation secretary-general Steve Howard.

Others include Korea National Diplomatic Academy chair professor and former South Korean deputy prime minister and strategy and finance minister Dr Oh-Seok Hyun.

Former U.S. ambassador Paul Speltz and London School of Economics professor and former Hong Kong chief executive Tung Chee-Hwa are the remaining panel members.

AIIB, a multilateral international development bank was set up on Dec. 25, 2015, with an initial capital of 100 billion U.S. dollars (RM419bn), one million shares and an initial paid-up capital of 20 billion U.S. dollars.

Source:Biafra Herald


23:41 - 0 Comments
By Onyebuchi Eze (Nnamdi Kanu Disciple)
For Family Writers

A report coming to the Family Writers media desk of IPOB under the supreme command of Nnamdi Kanu is that there is a secret systematic onslaught against Biafran economy by Nigeria government going on presently. Due to his limited education, President Muhammadu Buhari who is intellectually dwarf by not understanding the ugly effect of economic collapse of any people with his northern collaborators has shifted the war against Biafra to our economy.

Gen Buhari and his kinsmen of northern oligarchy believed that the strength of Biafrans in the unshakable quest for the restoration of Biafra lies in the economic fire-power of Biafrans all over the world, Biafraland and defunct Nigeria federation inclusive. Because of this reality, there is a secret plot going on at the moment that the northern political holocausts in conjunction with Gen Buhari want to systematically liquidate all Biafran people own industries and companies in Nigeria. If any mischief-maker or gullible moron wish to doubt my revelation of this secret, let the person kindly enquire about the state of things at the moment with Innoson Motors Plant, Nnewi Anambra state, under Chief Dr Innocent Chukwuma as the CEO.

Reports coming from there proved that Innoson Motors is close to shutting down productions and supplies due to inability to sustain the company in the face of huge taxations meted on the company by Nigeria govt through their overhead obnoxious income taxes, unbearable custom and import duties taxations while clearing imported raw materials from the seaports, crazy utility billings coupled with net value of worker's salaries. These ugly experiences of Biafran industrialists in Nigeria is the same with Chikason Group of Companies also of Nnewi, under Chief Chika Okafor as the CEO. In fact, an unconfirmed report but with some elements of truth, has it that AZ Petroleum, a subsidiary of Chikason group has completed arrangement to transfer productions, supplies and services to Accra Ghana where they feel safe to stay with promises from the Ghanaian domestic ministry of industries of security, protection and minimal taxes and bills.

Nigeria government under the maximum ruler, Gen Buhari want to use the unaffordable taxes, duties and billings to liquidate industries owned by Biafrans in order to castrate our people economically, create artificial joblessness in Biafraland and beyond, push our people who are gainfully employed by these industries out of work into poverty and starvation. May I tell any reader of this article that so many big, medium and small industries in Nigeria owned by Biafrans had been liquidated due to these obnoxious economic and fiscal policies targeted at strangulating Biafran economy. O ye my Biafran compatriots, I want all of us to know that now is no longer time to play the orstrich because the destiny of our collective posterity is now under contention by these vampires of death and destruction. It is no longer about the Biafran commoners alone but every Biafran whether rich or poor, industrialists or employees.

Now that Buhari's regime of tyranny has declared war on economy of Biafrans by liquidating our industries with obnoxious policies, is it not time for every Biafran whether rich or poor, whether educated or uneducated, whether elites or commoners, whether politicians or constituents, whether industrialists or employees in the labour market to queue behind Nnamdi Kanu and demand for the restoration of Biafra? Restoration of Biafra remains our only hope to sustain the economy for our future generations. It is taboo for any Biafran to sacrifice the future of our descendants in Nigeria in order to protect present political positions and obscure business interest.

I, Onyebuchi Eze said verbatim that if my present satisfaction will make me to forget the ugly future that may await our descendants in Nigeria should Biafra is not restored; I better die because I will simply become a grandfather of disgrace. O ye Biafrans, is it not the time for every Biafran to have sober reflection on where Nigeria government under Gen Buhari is pushing our people to economically? Judging by what is happening presently, if Biafra is not restored fast, soon our people will enter into economic catastrophe that will engulf the length and breadth of Biafraland due to the present de-industrialization of Biafraland and Biafrans. I end my analysis with these two great Igbo-Biafran proverbs. "Ñtị ga anụ ihe agaghị ara ka okpu-ata". "Ọbụrụ na anyị emee ñgwa-ñgwa, anyị emeghara ọdachi". I rest my case.
Source:Biafra herald

at 02:490 Africa, Biafra, Featured, World News,

IPOB : The fight for freedom by the indigenous people of Biafra has reached a point of no return. Biafra is a task that must be accomplished because 3.5 million Biafra individuals who died during the Biafra/Nigeria civil war cannot be swept under the carpet.
Since the illegal abduction of the leader of IPOB Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and director of Radio Biafra/Biafra Television on 14th October 2015 till date. The indigenous people of Biafra has not relented nor surrendered because Biafra restoration is a task that must be accomplished. No amount of intimidation by tyrant Mohammad Buhari and his Department of State Security(DSS) agents can stop the fight for freedom. Tyrant Mohammad Buhari should be enlightened that gun and bullet can’t kill an ideology. Nowhere in the world has guns and bullet killed an ideology. Mohammad Buhari should be educated that Biafra is an ideology and cannot be killed by any mortal man. Some Biafrans believe Biafra is a religion because the more you kill them, the more they come out for the struggle for freedom.

The Boko Haram sponsor tyrant Mohammad Buhari has been using his mad dogs in the person of the department of state security(Dss) to kill, arrest and unlawfully detain the indigenous clan in Biafra land. Now the (Dss) are kidnappers who bulge into judges houses to illegally kidnapping them and putting allegations of corruption on them. For the reason that some of them have advised the tyrant Mohammad Buhari to release the leader of the IPOB unconditionally.

Tyrant Mohammad Buhari should be enlightened that the more IPOB leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is kept imprisoned the increase of plagues in the contraption called Nigeria becomes hell on earth.

“Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God: I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.” –Patrick Henry (The USA, 1775). Nigeria is a failed state created for the interest of the British evil government.The Biafra mineral resources that suppose to be a blessing to Afrika has become a curse to us. The British evil government and his collaborators feed on us and keep the indigenous people in abject poverty.

“our struggle has far-reaching significance. It is the latest recrudescence in our time of the age-old struggle of the black man for his full stature as a man. We are the most recent victims of a corrupt collusion between the three traditional scourges of the black man. Our struggle is not a little resistance – that would be purely negative. It is a concrete commitment to building a healthy, dynamic and progressive state, such as would be the pride of black men the world over.” –Dim Emeka Odumegwu – Ojukwu.

The struggle for freedom is embedded in our DNA. “When people have been subjected to a degree of inhuman violation for which there is no other world but genocide, they have the right to seek an identity apart from the aggressors”. – Wole Soyinka. If this can say by many commentators about the plight of Biafrans. That’s to tell you Biafra is a giant of Black world. Other commentators have this to say about Biafra.
“....a country that is not yet two months old that can manufacture Ogbunigwe(Monster Bombs) and rocks must be feared...” – C.C Onoh quoting Soviet Union Government Official (Tell Magazine).

Biafra a nation of giants. The land of the rising sun, we love and cherish, Beloved homeland of our brave hero's; we must defend our lives or we shall perish, we shall protect our hearts from all our foes, but if the price is death for all we hold dear; then let us die without a shred of fear.
August 30th, 2015 Nigeria government killed three (3) unarmed Biafrans that went for Biafra evangelism. Since the illegal detention of the leader of the indigenous people of Biafra, thousand of IPOBIAN has been killed for excising their fundamental human right. But they have not relented or retreated because we will not stop until freedom is declared.

“Most African people would yearn for such a state (Biafra).....Thirty-four years ago Emeka Ojukwu tried to give his people something better, and Britain, more than any other, destroyed the chance”. – Frederick Forsyth.

A New Afrika capable of development into actuality. The leader of the indigenous people of Biafra (IPO and Director of Radio Biafra/Biafra Television Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the unlimited freedom of a “NEW AFRIKA”, indigenous people of Biafra awaits to continue from where peoples generals stop which the evil British government destroyed during the war.
The potentiality in us and talent embedded in our DNA and the mineral resources are Nevil of nations. Intimidation of the Buhari lead government cannot stop the fight for freedom. Because guns and bullets can not destroy an ideology.

#FreeNnamdiKanu a New African potential Benefits. Biafra is the project of Chukwu Okike Abiama and must accomplish by the indigenous people of Biafra(IPO.

By Nwabueze Hope Ikenna
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For UmuChiukwu Writers
Souce:Biafra Telegraph

at 01:590 Africa, Biafra, Niger Delta, World News,
BIAFRA: My dear Niger Delta siblings have ignorantly forgotten the danger ahead of them, and they have dozed off, slumbering while the northern caliphate in the form of the military takes them one after the other. They have forsaken their originality and has taken up a different identity worthless in meaning. I often cry and mourn for those who has in one way or the order lost their lives, their loved ones or valued property because of their ignorance.

Not fewer that two days ago, some military men shot dead two indigenes of Okarki, for nothing. These two young men were not seen stealing, they were not criminals, they were not Boko Haram members, they were not members of the opposition party of the ruling APC government. They were not kidnappers, they were not armed robbers, they were neither law breakers nor house paedophiles.

One would imagine or wondered what would have warranted such gruesome killing of two innocent young stars. Well, it will interest the world to know that the victims, by name Okowu Wisky and Izu Joseph, were non-violent people who met their sudden death at the spot. Izu Joseph was a football player with the Shooting Star football club in Ibadan before his premature death. He was said to have visited his hometown before the usual brutality of the Nigerian Army emerged, this time with a different strategy, of which claimed his dear life.

The deceased, to some, were heroes, and to some, were breadwinners. But the Nigerian army has sent them to their early graves, without remorse nor pity. According to eyewitnesses, they were surrendered by the zoo army, and they were shot instantly, amid the identity card, which Izu Joseph showed them, signifying that he is a footballer. They shot aimed the bullet at them and went their ways since they have nothing to regret.

Where are those who are calling themselves Niger Delta? Where are those who have been brainwashed that their Igbo brothers or any other clan were their problem and enemy? Where are those who distance themselves from the Biafra struggle, claiming that Biafrans only wants their oil? Now the question is, if you so believed that Igbos and other clans from Biafra are your enemies, how many times have you seen or heard that Igbos invaded your lands, and killed your people?

Who are killing you today? Of course, no other people that those who told you to avoid your people. The same people that separated you from your people, and gave you a meaningless name, which they can't even defend. This is the strategy they used on you only to have access to your mineral resources. Have you seen what your ignorance caused you? Two innocent stars gunned down, for no crime committed, while looters, fraudsters, criminals, are guarded and seen walking freely with impunity.

This is a big lesson to you Niger Delta. Wake up, for they have surrendered you. They have killed and maimed enough! Stand up, and join your family, which is Biafra. Open up your eyes, because tomorrow might be your turn. Get up, let's fight and stand shoulder to shoulder in solidarity to our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Now is the right time, not tomorrow.
Boko Haram members who have killed and wasted innocent lives and properties are freed. Not less than 1000 Boko Haram members have been released by the paedophile in power, President Muhammad Buhari. Nut they come down to our land, kill us, rape our wives, abuse our young daughter, they destroy our farmlands, and take our resources free of charge, only to use the money against us. I see this as a cowardice act. Where are those who are well learned? Where are those who claimed to be the best scholars? Now is revolution time.

Arise! Oh, ye so-called Niger Delta, for if you ignore this warning, it means you are doomed forever. Remember those who died? What about our wives who has been raped? Our children forceful converted to Muslims, why the intimidation, why the harassment? Let's join hands together, and fight for what is rightfully yours. It's our heritage, our possession, and our right. Wake up now, for tomorrow may be too late.

Emmanuel Precious
Editor Udeagha Obasi
UmuChiukwu Writers.
Source:Biafra Telegraph