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Bikonu ka anyi jisike jiri igbo na ede ihe ebea. A na esi na ulo a ma mma tupu apuo na ezi

For over two thousand years, the origin of Abraham has remained a mystery to the scholars and
virtually impossible to trace by the archeologists. What the scholars of today know about the origin of
Abraham and his ancestors does not go beyond Ur of Chaldim in Mesopotamia. However, the
ancestors of Abraham are not indigenous to the land of Mesopotamia, Abraham’s birthplace, or any
other part of Asia Minor. They came from a different land whose mysterious location is hidden in the
very meaning of “Ur of Chaldim.” The scholars do not know this location because they do not know,
understand, or speak the original Hebrew language - the Igbo language of Abraham.
The inability of scholars to give the correct meanings of the Hebrew names in the Old Testament,
as well as those in other Hebrew sacred texts, is evidence that they do not speak or understand the
original Hebrew language spoken only in the Igboland of Biafra. Furthermore, the language that
people study in colleges and universities around the world today as Hebrew is not the original
Hebrew language. That language is best described as Modern Hebrew – a generic language in the
mode of Aramaic. It is true that the leaders of Jewish religion possess the original Hebrew alphabet,
but possession of this alphabet does not mean that the outcome of the language developed from such
an alphabet is Hebrew. For example, one can be in possession of Chinese alphabet, translate the
letters of this alphabet into English alphabet, and can even make correct sentences with such
converted letters of the alphabet, but such an individual will not know the meanings of Chinese names
or the core cultural Chinese words because the individual is not conversant in the native Chinese
language. It is only those people who are native to Chinese language, and have spoken the language
uninterrupted for ages, that can know the native or soul meanings of exclusive Chinese names and

Evidence shows that the Jewish leaders who created the Modern Hebrew language spoken in
Israel today do not speak or understand the original Hebrew language because original Hebrew
language had no vowels. These leaders merely created a language, which they call Modern Hebrew
with the alphabet they had by modifying the letters of this alphabet and eliminating most of the double
consonants and some vowels to make the words of Modern Hebrew language easier for them to
pronounce. However, it is only those people who speak the original Hebrew language who can sound
or know the appropriate placements of these vowels and double consonants within the word structure.
Besides, a non-Igbo native may not be able to pronounce these original Hebrew vowels and double
consonants correctly because they sound radically different from English vowels and consonants.

Now, some people may ask: How did this author know all this? Honestly, I did not know this
while I was in Biafra Land and if Odu (lion), my Levite priestly ancestor, did not migrate from the
kingdom of Idah (Judah) in Igala (Igal), Kogi State of Biafra to Anambra State of Biafra where the
original Hebrew language is spoken, I would not have known this. It is through relentless research
that I uncovered that only the Igbo[Biafra] people of Biafra speak the original Hebrew language. I also found
out that Igbo language is the language of God Himself, the language He spoke during creation.
According to the Jewish scholars, the first word that the “Unspeakable Power” uttered while getting
ready for creation is “Tzimtzum” (Tsimzom or Chimzom – “hide me, my Spirit”). Not only that, the
names of God, the names of angels, as well as the names of the pre- Babel patriarchs are all Igbo
names, and they have their original meanings only in Igbo language. For example, Ham (Ama) means
“the place of a people,” Shem (Chima) means “God Knows,” and Japheth (Jefeta) means, “come over
or come across.”

My understanding of Igbo language in its various dialects is what made it possible for me to
trace the origin of Abraham to Umu-Diana in Igboland of Biafra, the priestly caste of the ancient
people established by God (Isaiah 44:7). Some members of this priestly caste of the Amorites
migrated to other lands earlier in history, especially to Asia Minor, where they are known variously
as the Amorites (Ama Ora), Midian ( mudiana), and others like the Magi clan in Persia from which
the legendary “three wise men from the east” who visited the child Ya shị ụwa or Ya si ọsa came. But what motivated
this research initially is the name, Karnabo (Kanabo), Abraham’s maternal grandfather, which I traced
to a compound in the priestly clan of Umu-Diana village of Akamkpisi in the town of Agukwu in
Anambra State, Biafra, known as the “Temple of Ezi Kanabo. These people of the sacerdotal caste
are the holders of Original Spirituality - the culture of peace and righteousness of Ndi-Gboo (ancient
people) established by God that Abraham inherited from Shem, son of Noah (Onochie – “he has

Some people may disagree with the sub-Saharan African origin of Abraham, but such people
must remember that sub-Saharan Africa is the first home of man, the first language, as well as the
original human culture on earth. The first priesthood on earth is Adama priesthood and the past
Adamas (high priests) of this priesthood of the Most High God, El Elyon (Elu Elu Iyienu – “the Most
Exalted One above the divine sea”) include the likes of Adam (Adama), Enoch (Enuka), Methuselah
(Emetoziala), Lamech (Lemechi), Noah (Onochie), and Shem (Chima), the enigmatic Melchizedek
(Mal’chi Ezedike). Although Adama priesthood existed in Sumer and other parts of Asia Minor in
early times, Adama priesthood is practiced today only in the Igboland of Biafra and nowhere else on
earth. The only known Adama Shrines in the whole world today are located in Igboland of Biafra.

Igbo people and Igbo language are autochthonous to Igboland. So, this ancient language known
as Igbo/Hebrew is not extinct, but has been spoken in Igboland from the beginning of human existence
on earth to this day. It is therefore natural that Igbo language, the mother of all languages, can still be
traced to sub-Saharan Africa, where man drew his first breath on earth. Evidence of original Hebrew
culture and language, including the planting of the lineage “tree of life” (CHIOHA), as Seth (Ezeana)
did, and seen in the Bible, Kabala, Nag Hammadi tractates, and other Hebrew sacred texts are
evidence that can be verified in Igboland today. It is my humble opinion that the world would love to
have this priceless information, especially the Jews, Christians, and Moslems who profess the same
faith in one God as Abraham, the Hebrew.
Eugene C. Akannam
Saint Louis, Missouri

There is no other religious figure in human history like Abraham, the common spiritual ancestor
to all the Semitic religions. To the Jews, Abraham is the grand patriarch of Israel; to the Christians, he
is the father of their faith; and to the Moslems, he is the father of Ishmael and a prophet of Allah. So,
this book is not just about an ordinary person or a mythical character but about the real flesh and
blood Abraham (Abiamà), who was born by a mother whose name is Emtelai (Emetelayi) and a
father whose name is Terah (Ideara). He was born an Amorite (Ama Ora) among a remnant of Umu-
Ebo (children of Eber), who were banished from their original homeland (described as “Aladinma”
[good land]) because they chose to worship the God of heaven (God of Abraham) over the gods of
their land. Consequently, they fled to a new land in Mesopotamia, which they named “Ur of
Chaldea/Chaldim” (Ora Chialadinma – “the people of God of the good land”) in honor of the God of
heaven. Without the Jews knowing this, it is the same “Chialadinma” that they are honoring today
when they say “Shalom” (Chi ala oma – “God of the good land”) to each other. This is because
“Chaldim” [Ch (God) aldim (good land)] and “Shalom” [Sh (God) alom (good land)] mean exactly
the same thing.
Eugene C. Akannam
Saint Louis, Missouri

The ancestry of Abraham is traced from Shem to Terah through Eber (Ebo), the eponymous father
of the Hebrews (Gen.10: 21-24). The name given to him at birth was Abram (Abiam), but this name
was eventually changed to “Abraham” (Abiamà) during which, God introduced Himself to Abraham
as “God Almighty” (Chukwu) Gen. 17:1-2. Even though we know Ur of Chaldim as Abraham’s
birthplace, the person of Abraham remains enigmatic. No one seems to know much about the origin of
his ancestors beyond Mesopotamia. What rabbis, pastors, imams, and religious scholars know about
Abraham or his origin begins with Ur of Chaldim and ends in Hebron in the land of Canaan, where he
was buried. The present-day notion that Abraham may be traced to Igboland (Aladinma or Alaoma)
of Biafra in sub-Saharan Africa; a location completely outside of Mesopotamia, may be viewed by
some as a divine revelation. But those who still perceive sub-Saharan Africa as uncivilized may have
a different opinion.