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Sunday January 8, 2017


"Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:" (Jeremiah 32:17)

It is time to tell yourself the truth and seek God for a change. Yes, it is time to take responsibility, stop the blame games and place a demand on God who is able to do all things.

You are not a failure until you stop trying. There are great and wonderful things inside of you. If you are not IMPORTANT to God, you won’t still be alive today. You need a change and you know it, go for it!

Hand over, that Ministry and vision to God. That marriage, your spouse, children, relationships, business, finances, debt. Job, health issues etc, place all before God. You need a change for the best and you know it, insist on that best today. Get into God’s Word, fill up your spirit and you will see God direct you and bring that desired change into your life.

Our God can do all things, it’s not over yet, you can’t just allow yourself to be discouraged now. *I feel your pain and disappointment but that again is preparing you to appreciate GOD’S ABILITY TO DO ALL THNGS.*

*Take any song of worship as you are led*


1) In your own words, pray about today’s Bible verse as led.

2) My Father and my God, change my life for good and make me a testimony. Remove every question mark in my life and glorify Your name in Jesus Christ name.

3) Power of negativity and failure, I am not your candidate, be gone in Jesus Christ name. I am the one Christ died and resurrected for, therefore my victory and success is already settled in Jesus Christ name, amen.

(Pray in tongues now)


Dimanche 8 Janvier 2017

O Eternel, j'ai besoin d'un changement!

«Seigneur, Seigneur, voici, tu as fait le ciel et la terre par ta grande puissance et ton bras étendu, et rien de trop dur pour toi.» (Jérémie 32:17)

Il est temps de vous dire la vérité et de chercher Dieu pour un changement. Oui, il est temps de prendre la responsabilité, d'arrêter les jeux de blâme et de placer une demande sur Dieu qui est capable de faire toutes choses.

Vous n'êtes pas un échec jusqu'à ce que vous arrêtiez d'essayer. Il y a des choses grandes et merveilleuses en vous. Si vous n'êtes pas IMPORTANT à Dieu, vous ne serez pas encore vivant aujourd'hui. Vous avez besoin d'un changement et vous le savez, allez-y!

Remettez ce ministère et cette vision à Dieu. Que le mariage, votre conjoint, les enfants, les relations, les affaires, les finances, la dette. Job, problèmes de santé, etc., placez toute devant Dieu. Vous avez besoin d'un changement pour le meilleur et vous le savez, insistez sur ce meilleur aujourd'hui. Entrez dans la Parole de Dieu, remplissez votre esprit et vous verrez Dieu vous diriger et apporter ce changement souhaité dans votre vie.

Notre Dieu peut faire toutes choses, ce n'est pas encore fini, vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de vous décourager maintenant. * Je ressens ta douleur et ta déception, mais encore une fois, je te prépare à apprécier la capacité de Dieu à faire tout ce que tu as.

* Prenez tout chant d’adoration selon que vous êtes conduits *


1) Dans vos propres mots, priez sur le verset biblique d'aujourd'hui selon que vous êtes conduits.

2) Mon Père et mon Dieu, change ma vie pour de bon et transforme-la en un témoignage. Retire chaque point d'interrogation dans ma vie et glorifie Ton nom au nom de Jésus-Christ.

3) Puissance de la négativité et l'échec, je ne suis pas votre candidat, Disparaissez au nom de Jésus-Christ. Je suis celui pour qui Christ est mort et ressuscité, donc ma victoire et mon succès sont déjà réglés en Jésus-Christ, amen.

(Priez en langues maintenant)



Sunday January 8, 2017


"Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:" (Jeremiah 32:17)

It is time to tell yourself the truth and seek God for a change. Yes, it is time to take responsibility, stop the blame games and place a demand on God who is able to do all things.

You are not a failure until you stop trying. There are great and wonderful things inside of you. If you are not IMPORTANT to God, you won’t still be alive today. You need a change and you know it, go for it!

Hand over, that Ministry and vision to God. That marriage, your spouse, children, relationships, business, finances, debt. Job, health issues etc, place all before God. You need a change for the best and you know it, insist on that best today. Get into God’s Word, fill up your spirit and you will see God direct you and bring that desired change into your life.

Our God can do all things, it’s not over yet, you can’t just allow yourself to be discouraged now. *I feel your pain and disappointment but that again is preparing you to appreciate GOD’S ABILITY TO DO ALL THNGS.*

*Take any song of worship as you are led*


1) In your own words, pray about today’s Bible verse as led.

2) My Father and my God, change my life for good and make me a testimony. Remove every question mark in my life and glorify Your name in Jesus Christ name.

3) Power of negativity and failure, I am not your candidate, be gone in Jesus Christ name. I am the one Christ died and resurrected for, therefore my victory and success is already settled in Jesus Christ name, amen.

(Pray in tongues now)


Dimanche 8 Janvier 2017

O Eternel, j'ai besoin d'un changement!

«Seigneur, Seigneur, voici, tu as fait le ciel et la terre par ta grande puissance et ton bras étendu, et rien de trop dur pour toi.» (Jérémie 32:17)

Il est temps de vous dire la vérité et de chercher Dieu pour un changement. Oui, il est temps de prendre la responsabilité, d'arrêter les jeux de blâme et de placer une demande sur Dieu qui est capable de faire toutes choses.

Vous n'êtes pas un échec jusqu'à ce que vous arrêtiez d'essayer. Il y a des choses grandes et merveilleuses en vous. Si vous n'êtes pas IMPORTANT à Dieu, vous ne serez pas encore vivant aujourd'hui. Vous avez besoin d'un changement et vous le savez, allez-y!

Remettez ce ministère et cette vision à Dieu. Que le mariage, votre conjoint, les enfants, les relations, les affaires, les finances, la dette. Job, problèmes de santé, etc., placez toute devant Dieu. Vous avez besoin d'un changement pour le meilleur et vous le savez, insistez sur ce meilleur aujourd'hui. Entrez dans la Parole de Dieu, remplissez votre esprit et vous verrez Dieu vous diriger et apporter ce changement souhaité dans votre vie.

Notre Dieu peut faire toutes choses, ce n'est pas encore fini, vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de vous décourager maintenant. * Je ressens ta douleur et ta déception, mais encore une fois, je te prépare à apprécier la capacité de Dieu à faire tout ce que tu as.

* Prenez tout chant d’adoration selon que vous êtes conduits *


1) Dans vos propres mots, priez sur le verset biblique d'aujourd'hui selon que vous êtes conduits.

2) Mon Père et mon Dieu, change ma vie pour de bon et transforme-la en un témoignage. Retire chaque point d'interrogation dans ma vie et glorifie Ton nom au nom de Jésus-Christ.

3) Puissance de la négativité et l'échec, je ne suis pas votre candidat, Disparaissez au nom de Jésus-Christ. Je suis celui pour qui Christ est mort et ressuscité, donc ma victoire et mon succès sont déjà réglés en Jésus-Christ, amen.

(Priez en langues maintenant)




Foods That Improves Fertility

The food you can add to diet to help improve fertility are:
Avocado: Is a wonderful source of vitamin E with unsaturated fat. It helps to improves ovulation, sperm functions and a good diet for both men and women. Cinnamon: It's a fertility enhancer.Half a tea spoon a day can be a wonderful addition to your diet and help boost fertility.

Baby carrots: They are know to be very alkaline and helps cervical mucus becomes more friendly to sperm. Water: Increase in water intake improve cervical mucus and also aid penetration. 7-8 cups of water a day will be good for the body.

Zinc: is basically an essential mineral that our body uses in all source of ways.It's found in every cell of our body.Zinc is important for both male and female fertility. For the female, it helps the body utilize the reproductive hormone for oestrogen and deficiency of it leads to hormones imbalance, irregular menstrual cycle and low egg quality. for men it increases the sperm count since zinc is found in high concentration in sperm. Deficiency of zinc can affect the quality and quantity of sperm. Zinc is not so much stored in the body, therefore there is need for daily consumption of it. Some of the food that contains zinc are oyster, poultry such as turkey and chicken, egg.

Lemon: Lemons are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants the antioxidants helps to flush out toxic from the system and improves overall health. Lemon are alkaline food, that means they make your body more alkaline.when lemon are digested they become more alkaline in your body, thereby making the environment friendly for sperm to survive. It's important to note that the body does better if it's more alkaline because sperm can survive in a virginal environment that is more alkaline as suppose to more acid because more acid in the body can kill the sperm. Squeeze the juice of a fresh whole lemon in a glass jar filled with water and stir. A glass of it sure works fine.

Avoid high saturated fat, like fat from dairy farm and in beef meat because diets with high saturated fat are associated with poor fertility.

Sandy added new photos to Healthy food
8 yrs

A Balance Diet contain adequate amounts of fibre and all the necessary nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals that is needed for healthy growth and activity.In other words diet that provides all the essential nutrients in sufficient quantity and in the correct proportion to promote good health can be said to be a balance diet. This food should also have appropriate amount of energy and water. The diet should not contain harmful item. It’s important we get to know the functions of each nutrient that makes up balance diet.

Carbohydrates are converted into blood sugar in the body to provide energy for the cells, organs and tissues. Carbohydrate can be classify as simple or complex. Simple carbohydrate is found in milk products, fruits and table sugar while complex carbohydrate include whole grain, bread, cereals, starchy vegetables and legumes.

Proteins found in food builds and repairs skin, muscles and bones. Each proteins within the body has a specific role. Some proteins are involved in structural support while others are involved in bodily movement or defence against germ. Nuts, dairy, meat, grain and some beans are sources of proteins.

Fat is an essential part of diet. It provides energy, absorbs nutrients and maintains your core body temperature. Vegetable oils, avocado, nut, cold-water fish such as salmon and tuna are example of good fat and they have low risk of cardiovascular disease. While bad fat are saturated and trans fat naturally occurring in meat, seafood, dairy and processed junk food.

Vitamins: The body needs 13 different vitamins to grow and develop properly. You get vitamins by eating fresh fruits and vegetables or from vitamin supplement pills. However, the three most important vitamins are vitamin A which improves vision, vitamin C maintains healthy skin and vitamin D keeps the teeth and bones strong.

Minerals helps to regulate the heartbeat and to build a strong bones and teeth. It also help in regulating the body metabolism. Sources of mineral are fruit, vegetables and fish. Examples of minerals are iron, iodine and calcium.

Fibre is mainly needed to keep the digestive system healthy. It also help in stabilising glucose and cholesterol level. It helps to control weight loss by making you feel full faster. Fibre prevent constipation, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulitis. Fibre is found in whole grain, fresh fruit, nut and vegetables.

Water is also an essential component that is required for healthy life. It keeps the body from dehydration. It removes waste products via urine and faeces, it regulate the body temperature and transport essential nutrients to the body cell. The least water intake should be 1.5 litre per day.


Why Biafran protesters are not
criminals, misguided people,
miscreants. Jobless etc:

1)Ten million Biafra
demonstrators/protesters out
numbered entire Nigerian (west
African) military, security
agents combined

2)Economically: if you deny
them naira, they are
everywhere in the world with
currencies like, Dallars, pounds,
yen, reminbi, cedi etc

3) Nigeria go round the begging
for weapons, but, this people
will within months- if not
weeks or days-manufacture or
develop weapons that can sink
Africa and.....

4) Nigeria has punch, the nation,
Sahara reporters, premium
times as media outlet, but, they
have internet, entire world and
their heart-beat as their media

5) Nigeria prouds of jamming
their radio station. Now they
own even TV stations

6) they are freedom hungry

7) they have known the truth,
that they are slaves as far
Nigeria is concerned

9) they are now ready to let go
all properties they owned all
over Nigeria, in other to achieve
a country, a place they can call a

1 We (BIAFRANS) will defeat Nigeria On facebook, twitter, instergram, internet, internationally and finally on the battle field
All Hail Biafra
All Hail Biafra
All Hail Biafra
My Father's land.
You can join me on twitter via @Nwachukwu_vic2



What we need is Biafra and not presidency like some misguided elements in Biafraland are saying.