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"White Jesus was not referring to all races when he said "whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son" in John 14:13. He did not mean it because Nigerian Christians, who are the most fanatic prayer warrior "casting and binding" hardcore Christians on Earth, have been fasting and praying for unity and prosperity in Nigeria, since 1960, but they didn't get any answer. Instead of having abundance and enjoyment, they have been suffering and smiling. Instead of having great leaders ruling the land, they have been having greedy and fantastically kwa-rrupt leaders ruling the land. Instead of the country to be united and peaceful it has been divided with so much crisis. I can bet you when white Jesus said what he said in John 14:13, he was only referring to europeans who look like him, not Nigerians who look nothing like him. White Jesus is the father of europeans and europeans are the children of white Jesus. It's only natural for white Jesus to bless his children when they call upon his name for wealth, which they did 500 years ago and are still doing (if you feel me). This is why Europe is rich and prosperous, but Nigeria is poor and kwa-rrupt. My advice is if Nigerians want to get whatever they want, they should ask and make demands in the name of the gods of their Afrikan ancestors, such as Olodumare, Ngai, Chukwu, Osanobua, Unkulunkulu, etc. White Jesus is not the ancestor of Nigerian people. If Nigerian Christians fast and pray from now till they condom cum, white Jesus will not answer them. White Jesus knows who is children are and who are not his children." Bisi Bugatti