The lazy Americans hate DONALD TRUMP:

A President That Gave America Lowest Unemployment In 50yrs (3.5%)

A President that Defeated ISIS within Months and Stopped international terrorism sponsorship to its lowest ever

A President that gave the lowest Corporate Tax for Small and Big Businesses (15%)

A President that gave America the greatest economy and stock markets in Decades

A President that Made Iraq to recognize Christmas as a Public Holiday

A President that Brokered Peace Deal Between Israel and Almost all his Arab Neighbours

A President that Made King of Saudi to Allow Women to now Drive and Vote

A President That Ended Radical Islamist Terrorism in the USA and Many Countries like Syria & Iraq

A President That Even Lifted the Ban on Nigeria from Buying Weapons which Obama imposed in order for us
to Defeat Bokoharam

A President that Made Many Manufacturing Jobs come back into the USA And Start Producing

A President that Gave African Americans the lowest unemployment rate in history.

But because he refused to encourage sodomy, brought God back to White House and schools in America, stood against the "New World Order, against same sex marriage, stood for Israel, declared Jerusalem the Headquarters of Israel, they castigated him, sponsored terrible propaganda against him, used the media to tear him down as they did to Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GEJ). Then the homosexuals and lesbians who could no longer marry same sex publicly are happy to attack him and funny enough, the gullible ones fell for their pranks as in the days of GEJ.

I remain standing with Donald J. Trump and I still stand by every statement I ever made about