The most direct way to get MODS is by fleeing Tarkov exchange. Retailers, for example, skiers and Peacekeeper will be upgraded under the circumstances to provide them enough weapons in your MODS. Flea market will be equally so that they can purchase. Make sure you have enough rubles to get your need.You MODS can also get from the attack. Who must, for example, weapons cartridges have a higher likelihood of these things. You will have to fast, but also lucky. Otherwise, you can let the players they had died.

At the point, when you look at it you see Tarkov fled the details of weapons. These details with ergonomics, accuracy and range of the aiming, the vertical and horizontal recoil and muzzle velocity.
Ergonomics - high quality that you can perform better Tarkov weapons. Reloading, down attractions, as well as its speed and changing faster.Positioning range - how far you are, when you point the option to zoom down the sights.
