#Nkoli is a unique social network that brings you a mix of trending issues (as in top hashtags) and the ability to meet new people and connect with old friends. User settings and navigation are very simple on their platform.


♥ Find new friends.
♥ Share your updates, news, photos, and video.
♥ See what your friends are up to.
♥ Find out who is checking you out.
♥ If you cannot like a post, you can wonder it (what?)
♥ See trending hashtags.
♥ Share your Nkoli updates on other social networks.
♥ Live chat with friends.
♥ Create Pages and Groups.
♥ Showcase your profile to our community by joining Nkoli PRO members.

Please read our User-policy and Contact us if you need any more information.....info@nkoli.com