The Implant Killer: Why Fat Transfer Procedures Are Winning The Breast Augmentation War

Cosmetic surgery is a constantly shifting landscape of techniques and societal aesthetic preferences. One procedure that has exploded in popularity in recent years is breast augmentation using fat transfer to breast. This cosmetic procedure isn’t just a new name for a classic “boob job.” It uses the body's available resources to enhance breast size and body contouring. This procedure has emerged as a naturalistic alternative to breast augmentation with saline or silicone implants.

Understanding Fat Transfer to Breast Augmentation
Fat transfer to breast augmentation is a two-stage process that involves harvesting excess fat from one area of the body and then injecting it into the breasts. The first step is essentially a small-scale liposuction procedure, in which unwanted fat is gently removed from one of many body parts. This extracted fat is meticulously purified to isolate and prepare viable fat cells for transfer.

Next, the pure fat cells are strategically injected into the breasts. The fat is spread evenly throughout the breast tissue, increasing the volume of fat in the breasts. Size is added to the breasts, and the shape is improved. Effectively, this technique uses the body’s own fat as a natural breast implant, doing away with the need to insert a foreign object into the patient’s chest.

Why People Choose Fat Transfer over Implants
Just like implant surgery, fat transfer is ultimately a surgical procedure. As with all surgeries, there are risks and there is an associated recovery period. The idea of moving fat from one spot to another sounds simple enough. But the fat has to be carefully purified and the injections have to be executed precisely.

Many patients prefer the look and sensation of breasts that have been augmented using fat transfer to implants. They view the procedure as more “natural.” Also, since the procedure uses your own fat cells, your body is more likely to accept the new tissue compared to a foreign body.

Advantages of Fat Transfer over saline or silicone implant
1. Results Look and Feel More Natural
Breasts that have undergone fat transfer tend to look and feel very natural and soft compared to the stereotypical firmness of breast implants. Good results are remarkably natural-looking.

2. Bigger Boobs…With A Slimmer Figure!
Since your surgeon is already going to be harvesting fat for your procedure, many people undergoing fat transfer target a problem area. So patients get the bonus of a slimming effect along with bigger breasts!

3. Minimal Scarring
Fat transfer requires exceedingly small incisions. The level of scarring to the breasts is very minimal compared to the ones left behind by implant surgery.

4. Faster Recovery Time
Fat transfer augmentation recovery is quicker than recovering from implants. Most patients are back to normal activities within 1-2 weeks.

5. Goodbye To Implant Complications
With fat transfer, there's no risk of classic implant complications like ruptures, shifts, rippling, or capsular contracture.

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