Ibeh Gift Amarachi For Family Writers
Before i proceed,i would want the Nigeria Government to be of knowledge that,Biafrans are far above intimidation,so no Anti-Biafra move whatsoever can force us to capitulate. I keep asking,for how long will the Northern and Yoruba Bourgeoisie exploit and carry out an erosion of the Biafran histories,by forcing us to remain in perpetuity? How long will they,fight to bring about total submersion of the heterogenous identities in Nigeria? I don't think their is a historical trace of a mortal possessing the power,of taking a tour to the Sun and stopping it from shining. Even the Emir of Kano Lamido Sanusi Lamido saw the future and stated in his 1999 presentation,"IF THE MARGINALISATION OF BIAFRANS IS NOT ADDRESSED,NO CONFERENCE WILL SOLVE NIGERIAN PROBLEMS AND NIGERIA IS A TIME BOMB READY TO EXPLODE". Nigeria Politicians might have their Buccal cavities and thought of reasoning beclouded with corruption,but they indeed are of knowledge that,Nigeria is obviously sitting on a Time Bomb,ready to explode and that they are devoid of stopping the Sun from shinning.
I would agree with some of the Anti-Biafra statements that,most of the present Biafra agitators were not born during the Civil War and don't have an eye witness idea of the whole scenario. But one thing they ought to know is this;the present day Biafrans who were not born during the war in 1967,will fight their own war rather than forcefully remaining in an Artificial Entity With no Dignity,Equity And Sanity.
Some of us might not be born during the War,but we can engage anyone and fight our own War. We may not be firsthand witnesses of the Nigeria-Biafra War,but we do have an idea of the various massacres conducted by the Fulani Herdsmen against Biafrans. We have seen our Females beheaded and raped in broad day light,by the Northerners. We have seen our Shops demolished and set ablaze by the Yoruba bourgeoisie. We have seen our Crude Oil being exploited and our Land contaminated with Oil Spillage by the Northern Protectorate. We have being rendered paupers despite being the Eagle that lays the Golden Egg with various monetary policies,kept out of strategic public sector appointments and our properties confiscated. We have graduated in mass without jobs and forced to retire by replacing us with indigenes from the North. We have being maimed and killed,slaughtered like Rams with impunity,so we will fight the War confronting us.
The Nigeria Politicians including former Heads Of State,General Olusegun Obasanjo,General Yakubu Gowon and the President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari,have boastfully and myopically stated we have no idea of the tragic events that claimed over Three Million Lifes Of Biafrans during the War,hence should halt the agitation for Biafra Independence. But,i want to put it to them that,they aswell lack a sense of History. When one correlate the First World War and the Biafra quest,it will give an insight of what is about to happen between Biafra and Nigeria. After the First World War,the Victors treated Germans with arrogance and contempt same way Nigeria is treating the Biafran people. This led to a Second World War, though the Germans lost,but they won their Dignity and Peace. Biafrans are even more passionate about the quest towards the restoration of Biafra,when compared to Germans. And to put the record straight,we never lost any war and if anyone claim we did,an evidential document should be presented and an explanation for the declaration "No Victor No Vanquish",should be rendered.
When the Nigeria Government led by Muhammadu Buhari,proceeded to bribing various social network administrators,inother to block and attempt to hack the accounts of Biafrans,it became obvious that similar 1967 strategy of Media Black-Out is what Buhari is employing,little did they know that,we are indeed above such intimidation. Various Mobile Networks have being hugely bribed and used to stall our conversations,trace us to our destinations all in the quest to stop the Independence Of Biafra,but the Nigeria Government will continue to loose the battle,same way they lost the billions of dollars channelled to jamming Radio Biafra Stations. Life haunting of Biafrans through Mobile Networks,Secret Agents,Social Networks will not stop this ordained quest. The more we are killed,the struggle gets intensified and we come out like a disastrous hurricane,not ready to reach a compromise with any mortal.
The Biafran quest is Spiritually anchored and a mere mortal putting up a fight against her Freedom,is like taking a tour to the Sun,because you must get burnt. Threats of waging war against us,is too insane of a thought,because we are already in a war front. Every Sane mind would understand that,there is an already ongoing war,as Burning of Churches,beheading of Biafrans,using Nepal Bomb on us,Shooting sporadically at peaceful Biafra protesters,is a prove of war orchestrated by the murderous establishment called Nigeria. If death and maiming couldn't stop us,no act of barbarism and hate speech can intimidate us.