For over two thousand years, the origin of Abraham has remained a mystery to the scholars and
virtually impossible to trace by the archeologists. What the scholars of today know about the origin of
Abraham and his ancestors does not go beyond Ur of Chaldim in Mesopotamia. However, the
ancestors of Abraham are not indigenous to the land of Mesopotamia, Abraham’s birthplace, or any
other part of Asia Minor. They came from a different land whose mysterious location is hidden in the
very meaning of “Ur of Chaldim.” The scholars do not know this location because they do not know,
understand, or speak the original Hebrew language - the Igbo language of Abraham.
The inability of scholars to give the correct meanings of the Hebrew names in the Old Testament,
as well as those in other Hebrew sacred texts, is evidence that they do not speak or understand the
original Hebrew language spoken only in the Igboland of Biafra. Furthermore, the language that
people study in colleges and universities around the world today as Hebrew is not the original
Hebrew language. That language is best described as Modern Hebrew – a generic language in the
mode of Aramaic. It is true that the leaders of Jewish religion possess the original Hebrew alphabet,
but possession of this alphabet does not mean that the outcome of the language developed from such
an alphabet is Hebrew. For example, one can be in possession of Chinese alphabet, translate the
letters of this alphabet into English alphabet, and can even make correct sentences with such
converted letters of the alphabet, but such an individual will not know the meanings of Chinese names
or the core cultural Chinese words because the individual is not conversant in the native Chinese
language. It is only those people who are native to Chinese language, and have spoken the language
uninterrupted for ages, that can know the native or soul meanings of exclusive Chinese names and