as a young black male I love the fact that am still young,I love shoes,i love wears,traditional wears,i love watches,my hobby is video games but I love girls more,anytime am with a girl that I love watching of television seems more enjoyable,I mean my favorite channel which is nageo-wild,am a die-hard fan of this channel.
Over the years I have learnt a lot from this station pertaining zoology,i have learnt that every creature has nature and its nature was given by what our people call chineke.
In every herd of elephants the females are always their leaders as she dictates the decisions of the herd,thats their nature.
In every clan of hyenas the female are always the leader and always incharge in decision making,thats their nature.
In every pack of lions the males are the kings and all respects him for that,that their nature.
In every group of monkeys (lemur species) the females are always the gods and nobody can question her decision,thats their nature.
in every gang of gorillas the males are always incharge,thats their nature.
And from above examples I am able to learn that every creature that lives in families always have a leader weather male or female and what make the leader the leader is always the superiority of his sex over the other,man is such a creature that live in families.
I also learnt that animals that don't live in families do not always have leaders therefore share equal rights as no sex is superior to the other.
Goats do not live in families,they share equal rights,poultries do the same,grass cutters,tigers,lizards and so on,they share equal rights because they don't live in families,each sex can survive without the other.
In humans the males are the leaders naturaly,the superiority is obvious both mentally and physically.
Check the list of the world inventors,men are dominant.
the list of the world richest people,men are dominant.
The world most powerful people,all the men.
If there are 100 cars on the express ways right now on 8 may be owned by women.
In every 100 building in the street only 5 may belong to women.
If there are 20 countries in the world only about 4 of them is led by women.
In every aspect of human endeavours men leads.
Certainly the superiority of men over women did not originate from their physical strength,its their mental strength that kept them ahead of women.
In my opinion women deserve equal rights in the government but in the family and other forms of human society if they want equal rights they will have to earn it by doing what the men do.
Do not mind those men who claim to be feminists,even if you marry them they will still not give up their position as the leader.
Imagine in this current biafra agitation they are just few females on the race and when the biafra is won you will see a large number of them fighting for equal right in the government.
Just accept it you are meant to be under