nobody is born naturaly with any language,the language you speak is the language you were thought in this life and would oneday leave it behind as you pass to the other side,
Language as an abstract concept doesn't exist in dogs yet when trained dogs tend to interpret human languages using there brain.
If a baby is born,kept isolated from people,not even the mother should ever talk to the baby while nursing him,television or radio is not allowed to sound to the hearing of the baby,no form of human language is allowed to sound to the hearing of this baby,if this baby is kept in this conditions up to 15years,this baby is sure to grow not speaking any language yet not dumb.
All languages started from the very first ancestors or couple of that indigenous people,they were the only two who existed first with that language built in them naturaly,they spread it to their descendants who lacked that attribute in them,meaning that every language originated from the first ancestor-couple of such people,this also means that all humans never shared one ancestor-couple instead different ancestors existed at different times each with their own language,if all human share just one ancestor-couple then all humans would share just one language too.
Why is the igbos more in number than the igalas or the tivs,this actually mean that the ancestor-couple of the igbos existed before that of the igalas and started procreation long before the ancestor-couple of the igalas existed to procreate so that is why an indigenous people are greater than others in terms of numbers.
The whole world never existed from just one couple