_Sabbath School Summary_
*Jesus Desired Their Good*
_Lesson 7_
_Memory Text: Matthew 23:37_

*SATURDAY*: The authorities of a community built a skateboard park for the youth, with the aim of checking youth crime rate which was rising. They later called for a church on the premises to help shape the morals of youth, but only a local Seventh-Day Adventist church accepted their invitation. The local church’s definition of “church” is a community that does not exist for itself. This definition is what every church must adopt.

*SUNDAY*: The glory of God's grace was revealed among the Ninevites through the prophetic words of Jonah (Jonah 3:4-4). But Jonah instead of been the first to rejoice got angry for the fact that he might be called a false prophet. Unlike Jonah, Jesus selfless act was made clear about the city of Jerusalem (Luke 19:38-42). Jesus desired the good of the city, so must we hope for the good of the lost, not for the worst like Jonah.

*MONDAY*: God pleas with us to do good "heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men". It might not seem right, but we should do it "anyway". Jesus cleanses an outcast leper and reconciles Peter to Himself after he betrayed Him anyway (Matt. 8:1-4, Jn. 18, 21). The Corinth church was ungrateful to Paul but He served them anyway ( 2 Cor. 12:14, 15). We should apply the golden rule to our lives (Matt. 7:12, 5:43-47, Luke 6:27, 35; 23:34. ).

*TUESDAY*: Jesus summed up the commandments into two; love to God and love to neighbours. He states that our neighbour is anyone we meet who needs our help. His exemplary life testifies to the true love which never fails (Luke 10:27-37, 1 Jn. 4:16). The lives of many professed Christians has turned off myriads of souls away from God (Dan. 7:24, 25, Rom 2:24). Our first duty is to reveal God's love to others (1 Cor. 13).

*WEDNESDAY*: The healing of the blind in Bethsaida was in two phases, probably because of the blindness of the disciples (Mark 8:22-25, 15, 18). Jesus' first touch restored his sight partially until the second touch that restored him wholly. Similarly, it could be that after Jesus gives us spiritual sight, we might not see clearly until the second touch. We're prone to push people away from the church if we still see real people as "trees".

*THURSDAY*: Christ came not to be served but to serve (Phil. 2:1-5). The church is His heart and hands on earth and we must have this humble spirit. He helped people on His way to pursue a different agenda (Mark 5:21-43). The church also may have to put aside their agendas sometime to help others. Unlike the church in the park, one church fed up due to no baptism whilst the other feared their items might be damaged by invitees.

*FRIDAY*: The precious truth that God has given to us should not be confined to our church, but to all classes of people. In the Gospel story we have a record of how Jesus labored for all classes of people, moving from place to place that the good news might fell upon every ear. He ministered to all sin-sick soul with what He had. Similarly, the church should not only preach the word, but also give out physical help when it matters. (See James 2:14-17).

- Ellen G. White, “Our Example,” pp. 17-28, in The Ministry of Healing; “ ‘One Thing Thou Lackest,’ ” pp. 518- 523, in The Desire of Ages; “A Social Life,” pp. 186-188, 190-192, 194-196, in My Life Today.

*Discussion Questions*