Once all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer, only one boy came with an umbrella. THAT'S FAITH...

The feeling of a one year old baby, when u throw him in the air, he laughs because he knows u will catch him.THAT'S TRUST...

Every night we go 2 bed, we have no assurance 2wake up alive the next morning, but still we have plans for tommorrow. THAT'S HOPE...

Father in the name of Jesus, I come before you this day,

I pray that you be:
Above me 4 blessing,
Below me 4 support,
Before me 4 guidance,
Behind me 4 protection
Beside me 4 prosperity.
Everyday, I have Faith, Trust and Hope that you will lift me like a baby in work and other fields.....

In Jesus name I do pray and believe.