ALEPPO OFFENSIVE: Massive Russian air strikes take out 400+ terrorists
October 27, 2016 - Fort Russ News -
RusVesna - translated by J. Arnoldski -

Russian air force planes are carrying out massive strikes against ISIS in tandem with the Syrian Army’s offensive in Aleppo, eliminating militants and their commanders.

Russian Spring has been informed of the details of the military operation by a military source.

Over the past day, as a result of precision air strikes by Russian air forces on ISIS and Jebat Al-Nusra terrorists’ positions in Aleppo, Idlib, Hama, and Homs, militants’ human losses have amounted to 200 killed and more than 250 wounded, along with 32 heavy-machine-gun-mounted pick ups and 20 units of other automotive vehicles destroyed.

As a result of yesterday’s offensive by Syrian government troops on Jebat Al-Nusra positions in Aleppo’s northeastern districts, the radicals have suffered significant losses. In the Bustan al-Basha district, the main sapper responsible for preparing “jihad-mobiles”, Muhammad Al-Fatah, was killed.

In the Khandrat district, ten militants were liquidated. Among 20 additionally wounded was Field Commander Mustafa Halasi.

In the Sheikh Fares district, a control point along with Field Commander Muhammad Abu Al-Hon and 15 associates were liquidated.

Another 18 terrorists have been eliminated during the offensive of government units in the eastern districts of Aleppo.