By Maxwell Chuks
For Family Writers
The journey of a thousand miles always begin with a step but here, the genesis was right from the very day the widget called Nigeria was created. The plan to islamise Nigeria is not a strange issue to everyone and anyone who knows history very well. As it is right now, the journey to the Islamic republic of Nigeria is 90% loaded. If you doubt it, present your reasonable facts. Many acts, atrocities and evils justify this fact.
Apart from those that took place years ago, recently it was their deceptive plan to take over people's homes and lands, spread terrorists who call themselves herdsmen who will in return claim the regions they'll occupy when their plan will be successful and that will also be a means to continue murdering Christians even in their own lands. This plan was masked with the name 'Grazing bill'.
In other to enforce this evil bill and push the people to accept it, herdsmen became a wild tool used to invade communities, rape women, destroy properties and murder Christians who turned the bill down. After staying silence for long, the Emirs and Ambassadors of Islam said the wild herdsmen came from other countries whereas, they were their own people.
They always package lies in other to deceive people. It didn't just end there, this time it made its way to presidential villa (Aso Rock). Over there, the executive muscle was flexed. 90% of the leadership positions and top officers in leadership and military were scrapped, while installing their own tools (Northerners) in other to make things easier for them to operate.
Everything was turned upside down. The Islamic way Introduce and Aso rock turned into Mosque and a Muslim town hall. Not minding the Christians living in Nigeria. On their search for the new moon, public holiday was extended more than expectations whereas such is never done for Christians. Whenever they are observing and carrying out their religious activities, its always different and sentimental. Welcome to the Islamic Republic Of Nigeria. Some months ago, a family woman (Christian) was beheaded by these same Islamic soldiers over alleged blasphemy but no reasonable actions were taken to condemn this evil act. As if that was not enough, Mrs. Eunice Elisha Olawale of RCCG was mobbed to death in Kaduna when she went out on a morning cry. Death is the price for preaching Christianity and repentance to the people living in the North. This bids me to ask, where is Pope? Where is Pastor E.A Adeboye? Where is CAN? Where is the pastor in Aso Rock (Vice president Osibanjo)?
They called it martyr and I ask, If it was their own people that was hacked to death by these people, will they maintain silence and call it martyrdom? The continuous silence of Muslims Emirs and Islamic Ambassadors in Nigeria shows approval for all these wild evil their people are carrying out every day. Whenever I say 'division' is the only solution for all these evil in Nigeria, some insensitive buffoons will always say "No", that we are the ones who keep preaching and encouraging division. I hope by now they might have seen the reasons for anything we say.
"Water and oil can never mix together, freedom and exit to whom so ever want it, that's the only solution".
Nnamdi Kanu said it and am also raising that same alarm now. Everyone has the right to choose their own destiny, the North wants Islam and there is nothing wrong with that, but they have no right to force others into their religion. That's why Biafrans want their own freedom to be able to decide and make their own destiny. As a Biafran and a Christian; if you're still crying and folding your hands, you better rise up and defend yourself, defend your people and land.
Self defence is not a crime and will never be a crime. Nobody can defend you better than yourselves. Only you can do so. The war is at our doorstep and we cannot and must not fold our arm and watch them destroy us. God gave his arch angels weapons because even the almighty knows you don't fight evil with tolerance and black understanding. It's time to exit from this evil cage called Nigeria before we all perish and the faster they let us go, the better for them. Enough of these evil.
Biafrans, stand, defend and fight for yourselves. To all the christians, I also charge you to fight and defend yourself.
Mrs. Eunice Elisha Olawale killed by Islamic extremist while preaching
isha Olawale killed by Islamic extremist while preaching